15 Minute Fat Burning Workout

by Jenni in

The days when our work is long and our workout is cut short are just the times we need a 15 minute fat fat burning routine. Most people can fit 15 minutes of anything into their schedule, let's make it a workout that will give great results and take little time. This mix of cardio and plyometrics will get that fat melting off and help tone the muscle we already have. The resistance bands are used to kick this workout up a few notches and get some serious fat burning, calorie melting results!

Warm-up with one minute of jogging in place or jump ropes. Complete each exercise for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 second before completing the next set. Do four sets, total. Cool down by walking in place and stretching.


These do a number on the bum, inner thighs, and outer thighs. Legs are shoulder width apart and body is straight. Bend legs and squat dow. Rise up slowly and kick right leg straight out to the side. Alternate to left leg during the second and fourth set.

Lizard Walk

Great for back, arms, and abs. Start in push-up position. Lift right leg up so it is parallel to the ground, then bend towards your arm. Hold, then bring back to starting. Complete right side together, then left during second and fourth set.


These are great for the legs and abs. The higher you lift your knees, the better a burn you will get. Legs should be shoulder width apart. Run forward for four counts, then back for four counts like you are stepping into giant tires.

Kneel-Down Chop

Goodness, I loved these from last week's workout with Jillian Michaels. They do a number on your arms, abs, and bum. For this workout, we will be using resistance bands instead of weights. Start with right leg lifted and bent at 90 degrees and hands to the right of your head, arms bent. The resistance band should be held under the left foot. Bend down and tuck right leg in. Twist torso and straighten arms to the left. Rise back up to starting. Complete left side during second and fourth set.

Torso Twists

These are great for burning fat in our mid section! Get into push-up position. Twist hips to the right while dipping down slightly so hips are almost touching the ground. Hold, then twist to the left with the same movement. Be sure to keep back straight and lower with the arms only, hips should be rotating only. Alternate from side-to-side for 30 seconds.

Mix it up and do the second set in a lowered plank position, if desired!

Elbow to Knee

A great heart pumping, core building, glute burning, end of the workout! Start with feet hip width apart and hands interlaced behind head. Elbows should remain out to the side the entire time. Lift left leg so knee is bent and at chest level and rotate torso so elbow and knee are touching. Alternate legs as quickly as possible for 30 seconds.

Side note about the pics: The photographer/husband thought the outfit was a bit 80's and decided the pics should be in an 80's motif... If I had my way, every picture ever taken would have this coloring! 15 minute workout out, 80's flashbacks, and smizing- what more could we ask for ;)