Stretching with Stress Relief

by Jenni in

Ok, so I am very excited about this post because of the post, of course, and because I have a few holiday house-keepings to get out of the way. This past week I have been getting completely in the holiday spirit and have so many great holiday related posts coming up, that they will not fit into the usual 5 post per week layout. So, for the next few weeks leading up to Christmas we will be doing six posts per week with the extra falling on Saturday. The extra post will be completely holiday related and will mostly entail something that you would not normally see on P+K! Oh goodness, I am excited about this... Nothing like gifting some extra holiday posts to get into the holiday spirit! This week's will be some great holiday DIY how to's that, literally, every gift-getter can use. Can't wait!!

Now for the stretching...

Last week we started a stretching series that will be continued today, but with a little two-fer. This time of year can be so busy for people and stress can creep in unexpectedly. To help with both these plights, I have decided to share a yoga how-to that will be great for an all-out post workout stretch and for decreasing stress. Nothing like cutting two carrots with one knife, especially around the busy holiday season!

This how-to is not from me, but is from a yoga instructor that has all of my yogi respect. Tara Stiles has some amazing podcasts and videos and travels around the world teaching yoga. She is laid back, but very knowledgeable and fantastic about sharing what she knows. This De-stressing guide is about 10 minutes long and covers some great leg, arm, torso, and back stretches along the way. Enjoy!