Plank Workout

by Jenni in

This workout is great for the core and upper body. It is quick- only takes about 10 minutes to complete- but effective. I find that the best time to do this is after jogging or cycling. It works the upper body muscles that were not touched on as much as the legs, and gives the core a bit more isolated of a work out. I suggest doing down dog for about 20-30 seconds between each move, especially if your muscles are warm and legs could use a stretch.

Lowered Plank

Start in plank position and bend arms so elbows are tucked in and at a 45 degree angle. Make sure to keep shoulders down and torso tight, no slumped back here! Hold for 10-20 seconds then rest in a full plank for another 10 seconds. Complete three before going to down dog.

Three Way Plank

Lower your body so you are in plank position with your fore-arms on the ground. Hold here for at least ten seconds, then rotate so your body is perpendicular with the floor and only the left arm is on the ground. Keep feet stacked and hips up- this should really work your sides. Go back to the fore-arm plank starting position for another ten seconds, then rotate to the right arm. Complete ten before going to down dog, then complete ten more starting with the right side.

Down Dog Leg Extensions

Start in down dog with back and legs straight. Tuck your left leg in towards your torso while also bringing your head in. Your back should be rounded and your forehead and knee should touch. Hold, then straighten neck and extend leg upward so it is at a 90 degree angle with the opposing leg. Hold, then tuck leg and head in again. Complete ten per side.

Plank Tucks

Start in plank on fore-arms. Tuck leg under and rotate towards opposing arm. Torso should twist here. Hold, then extend leg straight. Complete ten per side making sure to keep your back straight. Note: This is great for abs and upper thighs!


They are like planks, but at three different levels done faster! Complete at least 10 push-ups before resting in down dog. Do three sets and make sure to keep arms tucked in to your sides and torso strong. If needed, you can do the cheater kind, but only if really needed.