15 Minute Tone at Home

by Jenni in

Total time: 15.5 minutes    Calories burned: 120    Workout intensity: Very intense

Amanda Russell has been featured in the latest Women's Health magazine with a 15 Minute Tone at home workout. I love these little tid bits on health and working out that magazines like Women's Health and Shape do, but I rarely every do them for fear that I will not get as good a workout. If you have ever felt this way, I completely understand! That is why, I have done the 15 Minute Tone at Home workout... to let you know if it is worth your time!

The workout is comprised of four exercises you do in 30 second intervals and with 4 reps each. The first 30 seconds was alternating leg squat kicks, followed by a one minute break and 30 seconds of jumping lunges. This was done 4 times total before moving on to the final two sets. The final two exercises were 30 seconds of stacked foot push-ups and 30 seconds cross body mountain climbers done in the same 30 second/1 minute ratio.

The first exercise was great, I loved the squat kicks and could definitely feel it in my legs. The jumping lunges were a bit more difficult and left me feeling very unbalanced quite a few times. I had to change from jumping lunges to regular after the second rep due to pain from an old ballet injury in my knee. The regular lunges were great and I do not feel I missed out on much. This first part of the workout was the cardio section for sure, my heart rate got up to 85 bpm and stayed there almost the entire time. 

Exercises three and four were more geared towards the torso and arms. The push-ups were rather intense for my arms, but I did not feel any real difference between the stacked and original versions. The cross body mountain climbers did a complete number on my abs, with a little extra for my obliques and inner thighs.

The work out was great, overall! I worked up quite the sweat in fifteen minutes, but was very happy it was over. Although it was nice to change up my workout routine, I did find myself bored about mid-way through.  This is the type of workout I would do again if I was short on time and wanted something very intense but did not care about fun. 

For the full article, check out the Women's Health November issue.