Thanksgiving Calorie Burner

by Jenni

In preparation of all the delicious Thanksgiving treats I will be eating waayyy to much of, I have created a Thanksgiving calorie burning workout. Hang on because this circuit will burn between 120 and 150 calories in ten minutes! We are able to burn so many calories because the circuit uses cardio, resistance straining, working all four limbs at once, balance during exercises, and interval training. It is an intense workout, but it will work your core, legs, back, obliques, and arms in ten minutes! 

Do the circuit as many times as you want, depending on how many calories you want to burn. Just make sure to take a two minute walking break between each. This will help lower your heart rate, getting you some interval action and burning more calories.

Warm up first by doing 1 minute of jumping jacks


Jog in place with knees coming up to 90 degrees. Complete for 1 minute.

Extended arm Lizard Walk

Get into plank potion and place your right arm straight out on the chair in front of you. Lift the left 45 degrees then bend leg in towards your torso. Hold, and go back to starting position. Try to keep your leg up as high as you can while doing this. Complete 1 minute per side. 

Attitude Chair Kicks

Place chair so it's back is facing you and hands are on the top. Kick leg so it is bent over the back. Bring leg out and around the chair into attitude. Kick leg straight, then bring back to starting position. Hips should be even and toes pointed throughout the exercise and complete 20 per leg.

X-Extensions with Resistance Band

Choose a lower resistance band, if it is too easy, increase. Place band under legs shoulder width apart. Feet should be pointed outward. Cross arms so right is hold left side and visa versa. Start in second position plie with arms near feet. Straighten and lift arms above head so the bands form and "X" shape. Repeat for 1 minute.


Run forward four steps and back four steps like you are stepping into giant tires. Complete for 1 minute and make sure to kick your knees up at least 90 degrees.

Plunk Tucks

Start in plank position. Bring left leg in towards right shoulder and back to plank. Jump legs in towards arms then back to starting position. Alternate legs for 1 minute.

Kenpo Knee Kicks

Legs are hip width apart. Bring arms down and right knee up like you are pulling someone towards you and kneeing them. Place leg back at starting position and kick alternating leg back. Keep feet flexed and form a "T" when you kick back. Make sure that you are looking back at your kicking foot. Complete 1 minute per side.

Take a walking break to lower your heart rate before going on to your next circuit.