Burn 300 Calories in 30 Minutes

by Jenni in

I love this workout. I created it a while back and have become addicted to it ever since. After I realized that the intervals are kicking my calorie burn up to 300+ in thirty minutes, it became my go to for cardio. Quick workouts are awesome and quick workouts that have great results are my bread and butter.

This work out has five moves that are completed in three sets. The exercises are from  P90X, high school gym (weird, I know) and random things I have learned along the way. Each set should take a total of ten minutes done three times with a bonus at the end. Here we go!

1) Warm up jump rope: One minute of jump rope. This will start to get your blood pumping and your heart rate increasing. This is the only time that we will be doing jump ropes since you should already be warmed up in your second and third reps.

2) Jogging in Place: Do this for two minutes with thirty seconds going to knee ups and thirty seconds going to kick backs. You should alternate four times total.

3) This puts a little extra into the normal push up. After completing the push up, you will jump both feet between your hands and stand straight up, clapping your hands together above your head. If jumping seems like to much for you after one or two tries, just stand and keep everything else the same. You can also do the cheater push ups if really needed. Do twelve of these in one minute for a great core and interval cardio workout.

4) Chair Kicks: These are some of my favorite things! Do two sets, alternating from right leg first to left first. All you want to do is get a chair and kick one leg, then the other over it. You should be kicking about thirty inches off the ground. Do 30 kicks (fifteen per leg) on each side... 60 total.

5) Plank Runs/Mountain Climbers: This is another exercise that is great for core, arms, and cardio. You want to get into a plank position and alternate pulling your right, then your left leg in. You should be doing this fast enough that is is close to a run. Keep this up for one minute.

6) Kempo Kicks: Last Exercise! For this, you want to kick you leg forward, then back for one minute. Make sure to turn back when you kick back. Alternate to the next leg after one minute. If you want to bring up the difficulty, do not let your foot touch the ground!

Bonus: Place a towel on the ground and jump from one side to the other keeping your feet together. Do this for one minute then, go on to your cool down. If jumping with both legs together is too much for you to do for a minute, try thirty seconds together and thirty seconds hoping from one foot to the other. This bonus is a great way to keep your heart rate up and work your legs!

Cool Down: Between each complete workout set, you should have a thirty second to one minute cool down. Make sure to keep moving during your cool down. Something like walking in place or back and forth while moving your arms is perfect.