
by Jenni in

There is a new ballet documentary that I have gotten a bit addicted to as of late. It is about the NYC ballet and what the dancers must do to perform, stay competitive, and keep their places.

Did you ever take ballet? For a few of my friends and myself, it was a cornerstone of our childhood. Dance helped my understand graceful movements and physical awareness. Anytime I see a dancer I am amazed at how structured they are- they know exactly what their bodies can and cannot do and how to make them perform to the fullest. It really is incredible!

This documentary currently has two seasons with mini episodes that will not take you long to watch at all. What is really more dangerous is just marathoning this to the end.

Happy Wednesday and I do not think you will be hearing from me tomorrow since it is our anniversary! Do not fret though, there will be a weekly sum-up on Sunday to make up for Thursday's absence :)

Make Your Own Rules

by Jenni in

Tara Stiles' Make Your Own Rules Diet book is now available and I have already started reading mine! Of course, there will be a review out shortly- as soon as I can decide whether to read the book then review it or read the book, do the diet plan, and also complete all the yoga flows, then review it. Honestly, the second option sounds much more thorough and quite a bit better. That, however, will take time.

Although I am not a band-wagon dieter, I do appreciate Tara Stiles' health philosophies and need to get my body on a better track than where it is heading. If you are like me, the diet part may not sound so great, but the getting your health and fitness life on track could be what we all need.

Tara seemed very wise in releasing the book before the holidays rather than after. Of course, she could have made more if it was released right before Christmas or at the New Year, but let's face it, we all need a little extra help when pies, potatoes, cookies, and all other not healthy things are being passed around like a necessity.

Really though, I am just excited to get some help with health goals, see what her ridiculously yummy recipes are, and have some fantastic new yoga flows! If that sounds good to you as well, let's do it together! You can order the book by clicking the link above or any of the links in the article :) Now, let's have some fun with health food!