Kickstarter Review Thrive Study

by Jenni in

I am so happy for my hubby and his family for this Kickstarter! Of course, Kickstarter is great, but this one is near and dear to my heart. Although this one does not have much to do with fitness,it does have a lot to do with being successful in all areas of life.

The Thrive Study is a work kit that can be used both personally and in group discussion for leadership and attitude development. As you may know, each year we help run a summer camp where kids come from around the world (literally) to learn about something the hub's Dad has tagged Dynamic Living which is based on a book he wrote oh-so-many years ago. Since writing the book, he has traveled around the world on speaking gigs and opened the camp where over 10,000 kids have passed through and been helped.

Now, we are wanting to expand that even further and make Dynamic Living something accessible to everyone. The study series will be a great way for homeschoolers and teachers to teach this information, church study groups to learn together, athletic teams to be inspired to higher performance, and anyone just sitting at home to learn a bit more :)

What is really exciting though, are the stretch goals! The first one, and the one that we are closest to will be an Android and iOS app that will be constantly updated and send out push notifications about your goals. I am super excited about this since keeping your goals in front of you as a constant reminder has been scientifically proven to increase the goals accomplished and decrease the time it took to get there. The app will do what I constantly forget and pop them up in front of me twice a day. Of course, there will be other goodies, but that is the part I am most excited about!

Other stretch goals (which would be so great to get to) are for an online study series and a special seminar about love and relationships- something we can all use a bit extra help with!

If you are interested in the study kit, the hard copy version is $150 on the Kickstarter and the downloadable option is $50. If you want to send your kiddo to camp, then the $1000 option is where its at. That one includes everything + a camp scholarship worth about $700! But, even doing something like the $20 option would get you a lot and mean a whole bunch to me- plus the content will be pretty darn good as well :)

Detoxifying Bedtime Yoga Flow

by Jenni in

Well, I promised long ago to post my favorite bedtime detoxing yoga flow, and here it is! The yoga flow takes  about 15-20 minutes to complete and will leave you feeling fresh, loosened, and ready to get some serious zzz's.

What I love most about this flow is the detoxifying effects. During the night our bodies have a rejuvenation process that happens all the way from our vital organs to our skin. This is one of the key reasons sleep is so important for a healthy body, happy mind, and great looking skin! When we detoxify our bodies before starting the rejuvenation process, we are keeping everything in better working order. This flow will help work out some of those kinks we can get in our digestion along with doing some good for our spine, blood flow, and the oxygen absorption within the body.

If you are really wanting to make this workout stick, I would recommend drinking a cup or two of water both before and after the yoga flow. Be sure not to skimp on the Shivasana either! It may seem odd to rest before you rest, but a good Shivasana before bed can help take away all the day's stress and give you a better night's sleep.

Thank you Casper Mattresses for teaming up with me to make a super simple and highly effective yoga flow for better sleep and a better body :)
