Weekend Challenge 2

by Jenni in

We have talked about yoga a lot on P+K. Of course, it is great for forming lean, toned muscles and wonderful as a low impact workout. Yoga is not necessarily a cardio workout and does not guarantee high calorie burning results. Because of this, it is sometimes easier to forgo the yoga for some cardio toning or strength conditioning. 

Lately, I have been taking a focus off the massive cardio and strength conditioning and placing more interest back on my first workout love, yoga. This simple change has done some major good to my cardio workout and my body. Yoga aids in lubricating the joints, increasing flexibility and balance, toning muscles, burning fat, and will also help increase the results we see in our other workouts. Sure, a 30-minute yoga flow will do some major good when it comes to all of these perks, but when was the last time you completed a 60-minute yoga flow and how did you feel after? If you have ever done this before, chances are, you felt great after your extra long yoga flow.

Our challenge for this week is a bit more of a time investment, but that hour will go a long way towards your health. Plus, you will get some massive toning and a total body workout at the same time! 

This Tara Stiles 50-minute yoga flow is the best free yoga flow that I have yet found. Funny, but after sifting through a great deal of yoga freebies, there seems to be a desert theme among the 45-minute and longer videos. Not quite sure what the desert has to do with long yoga flows, but if you have any ideas, please enlighten me.

This desert themed flow has poses that are great for everyone from beginners to the advanced yogi. Tara Stiles is also extremely instructional and her voice is calming without being ridiculously soft. Try to complete this entire yoga flow at least once this weekend, and better yet, twice. I have a feeling you will enjoy this a bit more than you think! Plus, who would not want those lean abs and toned arms of yoga's poster child Tara Stiles? 

10-Minute Arm Workout

by Jenni in

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Arms do so much for us, the lift, pull, hug, stir, fold, and so many other things as well. Let's do them a solid and make them a bit stronger in 10-minutes! This simple 10-minute exercise is geared to work all of those arm muscles including the back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, and forearms. Whooohooo, Hale Berry's arms are just a few, short, steps away! 

To complete this exercise, you will need a resistance band and can use push-up bars if your wrists start to hurt during normal arm exercises. Resistance bands will target multiple muscles at one time, increasing the fat burn and toning potential. They also help elongate the muscle will working it.  Complete each exercise for 1-minute before continuing to the next. Each exercise should be done back-to-back without a break in between. To really give your arms a workout, try doing this circuit 2-3 times with a 1-minute break between each circuit.

Inverted Push-Up    

Inverted push-ups take our usual push-up and add some intensity. These are great for the back, legs, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. Place the feet on a chair behind you and get into plank position with arms directly under the shoulders. Bend the elbows outward and lower the body towards the ground, making sure to keep the back straight. Hold, then slowly rise back to starting. Continue for 1-minute. 

Lunge Row 

These are great for the legs, bum, triceps, biceps, shoulders, back, and forearms. Place the resistance band equally under your right foot and hold the ends with each hand. Lunge the left foot back and lean forward. Begin the row by bending the elbows upwards and pulling the resistance band so your hands are equal with your chest. Slowly lower and continue for 30-seconds. Alternate to the left side for another 30-seconds.


Chair-ups are some of the best things I have found to remedy the dreaded "bat wings". You know, that flappy bit where the triceps should be. To complete these, sit on the edge of your chair and place hands on either side of your hips with fingers curled over the front edge and legs straight out in front of you. Slowly lower yourself off the chair so your bum is almost resting on the floor and elbows are bent at 90 degrees behind you. Pull yourself up by straightening the arms, hold, then lower back down so you are almost on the floor again. Continue this for 1-minute. 

Plank Turns 

Oh goodness are these good for our upper bodies! Get into plank position with arms directly under the shoulders and the back straight. Be sure to keep a straight back during this entire exercise, if the back is not straight, there may be too much pressure on the lower back.

Slowly rotate so all your weight is on the left hand and the right arm is straight up in the air. The goal is to be a straight as possible, looking like a "T". Advanced can have feet stacked on one another, intermediate can have the right foot resting on the ground in front of the left. Hold, then rotate back down to plank and over to the right side. Continue this for 1-minute.  

Warrior 3 

Warrior 3 is one of those positions that leaves no muscle untouched. These will work the core, bum, calf, legs, back, shoulders, and arms.  Phew, that is a lot of muscle work! Begin with feet together and arms above the head. gradually lower the torso while lifting the right leg. The back, legs, and arms should be straight and look like one line being held up by the right leg. Continue until the right leg and body are parallel with the floor- or as far as your can. Hold this posistion for 30 seconds, then slowly lower back down to the floor and continue with the left leg.

Cobra Push-Ups  

These are great for the forearms, triceps, biceps, and back. Lay with your stomach on the ground, hands under the shoulders, elbows pointed back, and chest off the ground. Slowly push-up so the arms are straight, hold, then come back down. Continue this for one minute, keeping your elbows off the ground after the first push-up.

Curtsey Curl 

The Curtsey Curl is another total body workout. Begin with feet hip shoulder apart and the resistance band under the left foot, being held by the left arm. Complete a curtsey lunge with the right leg, hold the lunge, and curl the left hand upward towards the shoulder. Return to standing and continue for one minute before alternating sides.

Chest Press  (1 minute)

Last one! Shoulder presses are great for he entire upper body. Lay on your back with legs bent and feet on the ground. Place the resistance band under your upper back and held evenly in either hand. It may help to take the mid-point of the resistance band and wrap around your chest so the bands cross under your back. This will increase resistance and reduce the band's movement during the exercise.

Begin by with arms bent upward at your sides and slowly straighten them towards the ceiling, hold, then return to starting. Continue this movement for one minute. If you really want to increase the workout, complete the chest press in bridge pose. This will be a whole new kind of arm routine!

Fitness magazine also has the great resistance band workout geared towards the arms!  



The Best Advice for Staying Fit

by Jenni in


I was recently out at lunch with a good friend who asked me a pretty simple, but not too easy question. She asked me what the most important thing that I have learned about staying fit is. This was a pretty pin-point question that caught me a bit off guard. First, decisions like that are one of the hardest things for me to answer, and second, what is the most important thing?

My answer to her was simple, but left me thinking about the response for quite a long time. It seems like the most important thing for myself and most people to learn about staying fit is how to make the fitness commitment and stick to it. Sticking to anything can be difficult, especially something so often tempted as good health. The reason I started this blog in the first place was to make this constant decision to eat healthy and push our bodies as simple as possible. The best thing that we can do is be as consistent as possible, make good choices, and not beat ourselves up when we fail.

Unfortunately, the title of this post may be a bit of a lie. There cannot be one, singular, tip for staying healthy. Every tip comes with baggage; commitment is the same. My answer to her was three part- make the decision to stay healthy, research simple ways to eat healthy and tasty foods, and find a way to exercise at least 150 minutes a week- even all there is time for is a simple 10-minute routine. Funny, but when I think about his blog, those are the pillars that is stands on. Sure, there are a few money saving tips, some lifestyle posts, and the occasional Disney fan fest, but overall, we are in search of simple ways to keep that healthy commitment.

For me, simplicity is the key to keeping up on health. Decisions are much easier when we are able to keep the follow through simple. What is your best tip and secret weapon for keeping a healthy lifestyle?  

Weekend Challenge

by Jenni in


I have to admit, over the past few weeks, the weekends have become a time for me to either completely zone out, or, catch-up on all the things I did not get done during the week. This catch-up/relax combo has made for an incredibly solid excuse for not working out those two days, and my body has started to show it. No longer. 

Not that I am encouraging massive workouts everyday, but some form of daily physical activity is vital for a healthy lifestyle. For this reason, I started this weekend challenge. Maybe you are already doing this on a daily basis and there will be no problem in keeping it up over the weekend, or maybe this will be a challenge. Either way, this weekend challenge is a great stepping off point for healthier weekends, higher energy levels, and better fitness.  

This weekend, my fitness challenge is two-part. This first is to workout either Saturday or Sunday for 30-minutes or more. This 30-minutes can go towards anything from 30-minutes of lunges (good glory) to a 30-minute jog, or a nice 30-minute yoga flow. A 30-minute workout will get our heart rates up, will go a long way towards higher energy next week, increase the likelihood of exercising during the week, and help with better all-around fitness.  

The second part of this challenge is walking. Yes, walking. Walking between 10,000-12,000 steps per day will increase stamina, lubricate joints, and help maintain a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, most people do not take this many steps in their average daily life. This simple challenge will kick-start our healthy weekend challenges and our week ahead. Ready to take our little weekend challenge? I cannot wait to hear your results!