Women's Health Magazine Review: Maria Menounos' Abs

by Jenni in


You may be able to tell from the last few ab-centric workouts that I love working my abs. It is no surprise then, that I am super excited about this ab workout. Extra's Maria Menounos and her incredible abs take center stage for the July issue of Women's Health Magazine.

Let me be the first to say that Maria has fantastic abs and her ab workout looks incredible. Like all great ab workouts, this one works more that the core alone. Maria's trainer, Harley Pasternak, created this workout to be a massive core routine that will lengthen our mid-sections by working the core, legs, and hamstrings. I think he was sent from heaven.

Pasternak recommends completing three circuits of 20 reps without breaks between exercises. For best results, he also recommends completing this workout three times per week.  

Most of the exercises are not new or abstract, they are alternate versions of those tried-and-true exercises we have all done before. This makes me extra excited since I will not be studying a magazine while trying to work my mid-section!  

The Workout

I completed this workout after a half mile warm-up run. The entire workout took 21-minutes and burned about 130 calories. This is definitely more of a body weight workout than cardio or anything else. By the end of this twenty minutes I was dripping with sweat.

The workout was great and never got boring. These exercises worked my entire body, not just the core alone. I would completely recommend purchasing this month's Women's Health Magazine; this workout is only one of the many great articles in the July issue. One of my new favorites that we will be talking about later this month is the Women's Health Fitness Star Competition. In this month's issue, each girl competing has a quick bio along with her favorite workout move. I cannot wait to review each move for efficacy and fun! So far, MC's workout seems to be my fave, but Stacie's is not far behind! 

Ten Minute Ab Routine

by Jenni in

Beach 39.jpg

Last week we were able to visit Atlantis with some of our family and closest friends. It was a fantastic trip and these pics are from the beach outside the resort. This ab routine was created to get extra ready for tons of water slides, bikinis, and swimming while in Atlantis. Since then, this little ab-tastic workout cocktail has become one of my go-to ab routines- it is great to do in a hotel room before hitting the pool! The entire workout is ten minutes of massive ab toning. Do not let the time fool you, this ab workout will hit all the core muscle groups and give some major toning.

You can pair this ab routine with some cardio or, complete it after some body weight training. The ab workout can also be done on it's own in ten minutes. If you are a glutton for ab punishment, you can do two to three sets for a total of twenty to thirty minutes! I seriously loved doing this workout before hitting the pool while on our trip.

To complete the ten minute ab routine, complete each exercise for a total of one minute. If you wish to make this into a full blown twenty to thirty minute workout, complete the full ten minute workout, then rest for thirty seconds and repeat to your heart's content!

All of these pics were taken on the beach outside the Atlantis resort. It was our first ever public shoot- super fun!  


Knee-tucks are great and I have become obsessed. To complete a knee-tuck, lay on your back with arms outstretched over the head and legs out straight. Lift your legs and arms a few inches off the ground and begin contracting the abs. Lift your torso and legs off the ground, bringing arms up over head to the outside of the legs and forming a "V" with your body. Legs can be bent for intermediate or straight for advanced. Extend back down, keeping the upper back and legs off the ground. Continue for one minute. 


A good ab workout will also work your back. Suerman/banana is great for working the core, shoulders, back, and legs. Lay on the the floor and lift the legs and torso off the ground. Arms should be straight up over-head and legs should be straight out. Hold this position for thirty seconds, then rotate so your are on your stomach with arms and legs lifted up and hold for thirty seconds. Then, roll back to superman in the opposite direction, hold for thirty, and rotate back the opposite direction to banana for thirty more seconds. Try not to bring the arms or legs down while rotating between superman and banana.


Shovels are great for the lower abs and inner thighs. Sit in the floor with legs straight out and the forearms on the floor supporting your back. Begin by lifting the legs straight up, then tucking them into your chest. Extend legs outward in a downward motion before lifting back up to starting. This motion should be fluid and look a bit like your are shoveling something off the ground with your feet. Continue for one minute without letting your feet touch the ground. 

Scissor Legs

These are a fantastic ab, inner thigh and outer thigh workout! Get into the same position as Shovels, resting on the forearms with the legs off the ground. Begin extending the legs out the the side in a "V", then bringing them back in, crossing the right leg over the left. Continue this for one minute, making sure to alternate crossing the right leg over the left and the left leg over the right. 

The higher your legs are off the ground, the less of a burn your will get. The lower your legs are to the ground, the greater the burn will be and the more you will be working those lower abs. 

Side-Plank Dips

Side-Plank Dips are great for the oblique abdominal and intercostal muscles. Get into side plank position with arms directly under the shoulder with feet stacked on the floor. You can keep the arm straight for a more advanced workout, or bend the elbow and rest the forearm on the ground for an intermediate workout. Either way, be sure to keep the body straight, no drooping here! Once on side-plank position, slowly lower your hip so it is almost touching the ground, hold, then return to starting. Continue this for one minute, then alternate to the other side and continue for one more minute.


This form of V-Ups are great for those new to this exercise and those who are trying to tone those abs. Start laying down on the floor with legs and arms extended straight out. Simultaneously lift the arms and the legs towards the center-line of your body, then lowering back down so your hands and feet are a few inches from the floor. Continue this for one minute.

Leg Circles, Big and Small

These are great for all core muscles along with the inner and outer thighs. Lay your back on the ground and place your hands under your tailbone for support. Slowly lift legs off the ground, being sure to keep them together and straight. The closer your legs stay to six inches off the floor, the more intense your workout will be. 

Begin drawing small circles in the air with your feet. Again, being sure that legs stay together. Then, change the circle direction after thirty seconds. Continue making small circles (about six inches in diameter) in the other air for another thirty seconds, then begin making larger circles in the opposite direction. Large circle should be at least a foot in diameter. Continue as with small circles- thirty seconds one direction, and thirty seconds the other.

Extended Leg Side Crunch

Get ready, you will feel these crunches everywhere!  Lay on your side with your right hip on the ground and your right arm extended straight out above your head. Place the left hand behind your neck. Contract your abdominal muscles as you would for a crunch, bringing your legs up and in towards the chest at the same time. The right arm should straighten and be there for balance only. This should mainly work your left obliques. Continue on your right side for one minute, then alternate to the left.

Happy 4th of July 2-3-7 Workout

by Jenni in


Happy 4th of July! 237 yeas ago today, the United States of America was born! To celebrate, the hubs and I will be going to the beach with some family and friends for barbeque, sun (hopefully), and some fantastic fireworks. I cannot wait! Since we are usually up at camp when the 4th hits, it is unusual for us to be able to watch the fireworks, especially from our hometown.  

To celebrate these 237 year of independence, I created a 2-3-7 workout. This workout is super simple and will bring you through a circuit of exercises twice, three times, then seven times. I am so sorry for the lack of pics, but each exercise is pretty self explanatory. Plus, I am pretty excited about the workout and pics debuting tomorrow!!!

Complete three circuits. Start with completing each exercises twice in the first circuit,  three times in the second circuit, and seven times in the third circuit. Rest for ten seconds between each circuit. 

Jumping Jacks

Stand up with feet hip width apart and hands at your side. Simultaneously jump legs about three feet apart and clap hands together overhead. Once hands are overhead, jump back to starting. That is one, complete 2 in the first circuit, then 3, then 7 in the final circuit.  


Stand with feet hip width apart with hands on the hips or bent upwards by your chest. Step the right leg out in front of you and bend the back and front legs until the back leg is almost touching the ground and the front leg is at a 90 degree angle. Slowly rise back up, bringing the left leg forward, beside the right. Be sure that the front knee does not extend past the front toe, this can injure your knee.

Complete 2 per leg, then 3 per leg, then 7 per leg. 

Plie Squats

Stand straight up with hands on the hips and feet shoulder width apart. Rotate feet outward so your toes are pointing in opposite directions. Slowly bend the legs as deep as possible, making sure to keep the body straight and the bum tucked in. Hold, then slowly rise back up to starting. Complete 2 in circuit one, then 3, then 7 in the final circuit.


Lay with your back on the floor, knees bent, and feet on the ground. Place your hands under your neck, making sure to keep the neck loose and eyes upward. Contract you abs so that your upper body lifts off the floor, hold, then slowly return to starting- making sure to keep shoulders off the ground. Complete 2 in the first circuit, then 3, then 7 in the final circuit.


Get into plank position with hands directly under shoulders and body straight- we do not want sagging! Bend the elbows and slowly lower down so you are almost touching the ground with your nose. Hold, then slowly rise back up to starting. Complete 2 in the first circuit, then 3, then 7 in the final circuit.  

Bridge Pose

Lay on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Tuck your shoulders under and lift your bum and torso off the ground. The only things on the ground should be your feet, arms, and anything above the tops of your shoulders. Hold this position for 20 seconds in circuit one, then 30 seconds in circuit two, and 70 seconds in circuit three. Be sure to keep the bum lifted as high as possible in all circuits. 

For advanced, alternate lifting the right, then left leg in the air. Each leg should be lifted for the 20 seconds, 30 seconds, and 70 seconds.