Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred

by Jenni in

One of the lovely commenters over at All Women Stalk mentioned this oldie-but-goodie intense workout. The video is part of a series of three. Each video is done once a day for ten days. You will need weights to complete this (resistance bands should work too) and Jillian recommends doing all your measurements beforehand if you are really serious. This means measuring your weight, fat percentage, thigh circumference, and waist size. Then measuring again at the end of 30 days.

I love Jillian Michaels and am so impressed that she can talk while doing this workout. That is intense. The workout is great on it's own or with the shred. It is not as intense as P90X, but hard all the same! Jillian will keep you sweating the whole way though, it is very difficult to cheat on what she instructs, even when you know she cannot see. It's also a bit fun to see her a few years younger, and slightly tougher too!

Shape Magazine Review: Jennifer Love Hewitt's Workout

by Jenni in


One of my first experiences with a workout video was a Barbie workout with Jennifer Love Hewitt as the main girl. In the video she went as "Love" rather than Jennifer or anything else. I was three when I started doing this workout and thought the video and "Love" were some of the best things ever. Now, I am a few years older and still looking at one of her workouts... Nostalgia. 

There are tons of great workouts in this month's Shape magazine, but I just had to do the one by my first ever fitness instructor. The workout also looks like a lot of fun with some moves I have never seen before, making it extra high on the "must try" list! ​

The Workout

First things first, I have to give massive credit to JLH for looking so good on the cover of this month's Shape Magazine. She has been pretty open with her weight battles, but looks absolutely fantastic now! Jennifer gives lots of credit to a form of exercise called Buti, created by Bizzie Gold. It combines dance, yoga, and plyometrics for a full body workout. These are Jennifer's five favorite Buti moves... ​

Each move is done in a sequence for 40 seconds per exercise. The sequence should be done four times total with a one minute break between each.​The best part: No shoes are necessary and there is no workout equipment either. Jennifer created this workout for me. ​

The Review

The workout took me sixteen minutes total and burned 106 calories. That is a little lower calorie burn than I usually like, but the workout was not some massive cardio expendature either. My heart rate stayed somewhere between 70% and 85% the entire time. Overall, it was a lot of fun and I could definitely see myself doing this some night instead of yoga.  ​

The chair circles and wide squat to burpees were definitely my favorite. ​Both did some major damage to the fat on my inner and outer thighs, and I am always a fan of that! I really enjoyed these and will be adding them to some preexisting workout routines and creating some workouts around them in the future.

The only part that I was not too fond of was the time doing each exercise. Forty seconds does not seem like much, it is there and gone before I get five reps done. The one minute break also felt way too long since I had only been working out for a little over three minutes . If I do this workout again, I will do each exercise for one minute and complete three circuits with a one minute break between each. This will take about two minutes longer, but the calorie burn and muscle toning should be much greater! 

If you do this workout- which I completely recommend, try the one minute variation for a circuit and let me know how it goes. I am quite interested to know the difference twenty whole seconds will make! ​

Reistance Band Workout

by Jenni in

One of the lovely people over at Snapguide requested that I do a workout only using resistance bands. Oh how I love requests, and I really love this one! Making a workout that only used resistance bands was so fun and I got to learn some great moves that have worked muscles I was not sure existed!

Resistance bands are great for toning muscle and increasing both strength and flexibility. This workout is comprised of one circuit that should be done twice with a one minute break between each. I recommend starting 5 lb. resistance bands and increasing from there as needed. Start with a two minute warm up jog, then complete each exercise for one minute with a one minute break between circuits.

This workout should take about 20 minutes and burn 200+ calories!

Squat Press

Get ready to feel it in your arms and legs and abs (shoulders knees and toes). Start in squat position with feet shoulder width apart and resistance band evenly under feet. Hold the ends of the resistance band in each hand. Squat down and stay in squatting position while you raise hands above your head. Rise back up and continue for one minute.

Lunge with Bicep Curl

These are quite popular in the resistance band world, because they are awwwsommeee! Place the resistance band under your right foot with the ends in each hand. Complete a lunge on your right side, but stay in the lunge position and complete a bicep curl. Come back to starting once the curl is completed and continue with right leg lunges for one minute. Switch to the left leg in the second circuit. 


Oh I love these. We have covered these wonders before in the Calorie Burn Workout, but not since then. Start with legs hip width apart with resistance bands evenly under each foot. Place the left side of the resistance band in the right hand and visa versa. Raise your arms above your head at a 45 degree angle so the band forms an "X" in the center. Come back to starting and complete as many as possible in one minute.

Resistance Band Push-Ups

These will take your push-ups to the next level, for reals! The first time I did this was rough, and not just because they are tough... Learn from my experience and wrap the band around your back and between your chest and inner arms. This will make sure it does not roll up and get knotted in you hair. Yea, that was a great workout...

Hold the band tight in each hand so it is stretching when you rise up. Complete as many of these bad boys as you can in one minute, then you can cry a little. 

Side Lunge Pulls

I have recently come across these and love them! Place the left foot on the middle of the resistance band and hold the outer end with the left hand. Complete a side lunge with the right leg and pull the left arm across your body so you rotate to the right while extending your arm. Come back to starting and complete as many as possible in one minute. Alternate to the left side in the next circuit.

Be sure to only rotate your body during the lunges, keep the stationary leg, stationary.

Fly-Back Kick-Back

This is wonderful for the back and legs. It is a variation on the usual fly backs but with a band instead of a band. Place left foot on the middle of the band and stack right foot behind. Hold the ends of the bands with each hand and lift right leg back as you bend body forward so you are in a "T". Lift arms our to the side so that are on the same plain as your back, hold, then return to starting. Complete as many as possible in 1 minute, then alternate to the left leg in the next circuit.


Hello thigh-master version 2.0! Lay on your right side with legs stacked on top of one another and straight out. Wrap the resistance band once around your ankles and tie a knot in it so there is only a small amount of slack when ankles are together. Lift the left leg up as high as you can while the right leg remains on the ground. Complete as many as you can in 1 minute, then complete for the right leg in the second set.

Pelvic Push

This will work your thighs, bum, and lower abdominal muscles. Lay on your back with legs bent and feet flat on the floor. Place resistance band over your pelvis with hands on either side holding the resistance band to the ground. Make sure the band is tight, then raise pelvis off the ground so only your shoulders are touching the floor. Hold, then return to starting position and continue for one minute.

Five Gym Hairstyles Inspired by NY Fashion Week

by Jenni in


New York Fashion week has recently ended and I have got the fashionista bug. There were some great new hairstyles traipsing the runway this year, many of which would work for a day out or a day at the gym. With a few bobby pins, a hair band, and some creativity, we can have gym hair that stays in place and is runway ready! Change up your usual look with these five fun, fashionable, and easy gym styles. 

The Bun

Low chignons have been seen all over the runways at NY fashion week. Bring some of that couture style to your gym routine with a mid to low level bun. For a clean look, pull hair back to the nape of the neck and twist. I like to stick a few bobby pins in, then pull a small elastic band around the entire bun. If you are jogging or doing any cardio, you may want to add a pin or two more for safe keeping. 

Side Braids

This is a great option if you have short or layered hair around your face since the braid will keep out of the way.

Start at your part and do an inverse french braid around the side of your head. I like to add in a new bit of hair every third braid rather than every braid. This keeps it from looking too divided between the loose area and the braided area and gives a bit more of a natural look. Once you reach your ear area, pin the braid in place and pull the rest back. To get even more style, put your hair in a bun or braid the other side as well.

The Tease

This look is great for a yoga, pilates, are barre classes since it is a twist on the traditional. Pull hair into a ponytail on the back of your head, then tease. Once hair has a bit of extra volume, roll the ends under and secure with a few bobby pins. If you want some extra classy, tie a ribbon around the hair and place a small knot or bow at the bottom. Look at you, ready for yoga  by day and the theater by night!


This is a great option if you like the braid idea but do not have the time or dexterity to complete it. Start at your part line, just like you would for the braid, but twist the locks instead. Add a few strands after each twist to get that cute, naturally twisted look. I like to bring the twists a bit higher than the braid and keep it twisted just above my ears and all the way to my ponytail. Super chic and super simple! 


Fishtails are great for girls who have long, flowing locks since it does not weigh down a ponytail or leave a giant bun nob on the back of your head. Fishtails can be tricky at first, but the unique style is totally worth the learning curve! 

Pull your hair to your dominant side and split in two sections. Take a small amount of hair from the bottom of one section and cross over to the bottom of the other. Continue doing this on alternating sides until you get to the bottom of your locks, then add a hair band and enjoy. You just did a super cute and super stationary style anyone would give mad props to!