Weekend Challenge 3

by Jenni in

Do you remember trying something new where your workout regimen was concerned and being happy with the results? For me, this happened the first time I tried Hot Yoga. I went to the class alone and, honestly, was quite nervous- not know what to expect or how I would feel afterwards. The class lasted 90-minutes and I was in love with Hot Yoga by the end.

Sometimes, our workout regimen needs a subtle or extreme change to keep us from boredom and from the dreaded plateau. Mixing up a workout will work our bodies in new ways and continue pushing us towards better overall health. This weekend, try something (workout wise) that you have never done before. Whether it be running outside rather than on a treadmill, taking that fitness class you have been eying at the gym, or signing up for your first ever race. These simple things will help keep our workouts engaging and reduce that pesky inclination of getting bored with a workout. Although signing up for my first ever race in a certain field does sound the most exciting, my weekend challenge will be completed with this Ballet Beautiful workout. Simple, but exciting for me since it has been ten years now since doing any form of ballet!

What exciting and new form of exercise will you being doing this weekend?  

Weekend Challenge

by Jenni in


I have to admit, over the past few weeks, the weekends have become a time for me to either completely zone out, or, catch-up on all the things I did not get done during the week. This catch-up/relax combo has made for an incredibly solid excuse for not working out those two days, and my body has started to show it. No longer. 

Not that I am encouraging massive workouts everyday, but some form of daily physical activity is vital for a healthy lifestyle. For this reason, I started this weekend challenge. Maybe you are already doing this on a daily basis and there will be no problem in keeping it up over the weekend, or maybe this will be a challenge. Either way, this weekend challenge is a great stepping off point for healthier weekends, higher energy levels, and better fitness.  

This weekend, my fitness challenge is two-part. This first is to workout either Saturday or Sunday for 30-minutes or more. This 30-minutes can go towards anything from 30-minutes of lunges (good glory) to a 30-minute jog, or a nice 30-minute yoga flow. A 30-minute workout will get our heart rates up, will go a long way towards higher energy next week, increase the likelihood of exercising during the week, and help with better all-around fitness.  

The second part of this challenge is walking. Yes, walking. Walking between 10,000-12,000 steps per day will increase stamina, lubricate joints, and help maintain a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, most people do not take this many steps in their average daily life. This simple challenge will kick-start our healthy weekend challenges and our week ahead. Ready to take our little weekend challenge? I cannot wait to hear your results!