Weekend Challenge 3

by Jenni in

Do you remember trying something new where your workout regimen was concerned and being happy with the results? For me, this happened the first time I tried Hot Yoga. I went to the class alone and, honestly, was quite nervous- not know what to expect or how I would feel afterwards. The class lasted 90-minutes and I was in love with Hot Yoga by the end.

Sometimes, our workout regimen needs a subtle or extreme change to keep us from boredom and from the dreaded plateau. Mixing up a workout will work our bodies in new ways and continue pushing us towards better overall health. This weekend, try something (workout wise) that you have never done before. Whether it be running outside rather than on a treadmill, taking that fitness class you have been eying at the gym, or signing up for your first ever race. These simple things will help keep our workouts engaging and reduce that pesky inclination of getting bored with a workout. Although signing up for my first ever race in a certain field does sound the most exciting, my weekend challenge will be completed with this Ballet Beautiful workout. Simple, but exciting for me since it has been ten years now since doing any form of ballet!

What exciting and new form of exercise will you being doing this weekend?  

Weekend Challenge 2

by Jenni in

We have talked about yoga a lot on P+K. Of course, it is great for forming lean, toned muscles and wonderful as a low impact workout. Yoga is not necessarily a cardio workout and does not guarantee high calorie burning results. Because of this, it is sometimes easier to forgo the yoga for some cardio toning or strength conditioning. 

Lately, I have been taking a focus off the massive cardio and strength conditioning and placing more interest back on my first workout love, yoga. This simple change has done some major good to my cardio workout and my body. Yoga aids in lubricating the joints, increasing flexibility and balance, toning muscles, burning fat, and will also help increase the results we see in our other workouts. Sure, a 30-minute yoga flow will do some major good when it comes to all of these perks, but when was the last time you completed a 60-minute yoga flow and how did you feel after? If you have ever done this before, chances are, you felt great after your extra long yoga flow.

Our challenge for this week is a bit more of a time investment, but that hour will go a long way towards your health. Plus, you will get some massive toning and a total body workout at the same time! 

This Tara Stiles 50-minute yoga flow is the best free yoga flow that I have yet found. Funny, but after sifting through a great deal of yoga freebies, there seems to be a desert theme among the 45-minute and longer videos. Not quite sure what the desert has to do with long yoga flows, but if you have any ideas, please enlighten me.

This desert themed flow has poses that are great for everyone from beginners to the advanced yogi. Tara Stiles is also extremely instructional and her voice is calming without being ridiculously soft. Try to complete this entire yoga flow at least once this weekend, and better yet, twice. I have a feeling you will enjoy this a bit more than you think! Plus, who would not want those lean abs and toned arms of yoga's poster child Tara Stiles?