Welcome to the New Year! I seriously cannot believe that we are in 2014 already... Whhhaaatt?!?!?! This year I have a few different goals- some relating to business, some personal, and a few others mixed in as well. This year will be filled with more writing, loads more reading, tons of networking, plenty of yoga and jogging (maybe even a race or two) some trips, and at least one adventure.
Someone I very much admire once said that the only things that will change us are the books we read and the people we associate with. I have completely taken this to heart over the past few months and plan to continue this throughout the new year. Here are a few of the things I cannot wait to read in the year 2014!
The Daily Positive
The Daily Positive is a blog created by Dale Partridge, the founder of Sevenly. Sevenly is a pretty incredible business that works to fund non-profits through monetary donations, word of mouth, and social awareness. Dale is also in the process of writing a book and (from what I understand) takes quite a bit from his blog. Posts are simple, short, and to the point. They are all about self improvement; written in a way that is easy to digest and interesting to read. So happy I stumbled upon this gem!
The Art of War by Steven Pressfield
This book is on Rob Bell's recommended reading lists. Considering that Love Wins is one of my most favorite books ever and Rob Bell is someone that I deeply respect the opinion of, it just makes sense to look into the people and books that inspire him. Another great book that I may be reading again and completely recommend to anyone who has not yet read it is The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis. It is incredible and short and wonderful!
Zen Habits
There was once a time where I listened to a daily podcast about Zen Habits. Now, I have started reading this blog by Leo Babauta. Like The Daily Positive, Zen Habits is a daily blog that focuses on self improvement. The blog is extremely simple and does not ask too much of me, which is great considering that the idea of changing scares me beyond belief. Sad, I know, but true. If you are having a hard time coming up with New Year's resolutions, maybe a few of these will help!
The Lazy Runner by Laura Fountain
I have been reading her blog for a year now and have even brought it up in a few archived posts- it seems about time to read her book. Laura's blog has inspired me more than I thought a blog could inspire a girl to run, I simply cannot wait to see what her book has in store... Maybe it will even push this yogi towards her first big race?!? Oh, that thought is exciting!
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Let's face it, people skills are a pretty important thing and one that almost everyone in the world could use some help with. How to Win Friends and Influence People is one of those books every person interested in improving their people skills should read once in their life. I am almost completely embarrassed to say this will be the first time reading it completely through- but hey, 2014 is a year of growth, so here goes!