Great Christmas Recipes

by Jenni in

Every year for Christmas evening we go to my cousin's house. My cousin inherited Christmas from my Grandma a few years ago and it has been going great! Instead of everyone getting a gift for everyone else (which gets rather pricey with 20 people and handfuls of children) we do a round robin gift exchange. Everyone also brings a side or two to help with the cooking.

This year I will be making three dishes that range in appeal from the adults to the tiniest ones we will have there. I am super excited to make a new dish and really excited to be making a few staples in the hubs and my diet for everyone this year! Oh, and by the way, the Thanksgiving Brussels sprouts were a major hit! They were also so easy to prep the day before Thanksgiving and pop in the oven 15-minutes before we ate.

Grilled Shrimp Caesar Salad

This is probably the easiest thing to make out of the lot. Add salad to bowl, add shaved Parmesan cheese, grill or pan cook shrimp, mix together with dressing before eating. Really, I think this side salad is up there with eggs on the list of easy things to cook. And no, it is not the healthiest option for a salad, but you can do a few things to keep it light.

My first recommendation would be to skip croutons- they are unneeded fat and calories and most people just push them to the side anyway. Second, go for a light Caesar vinaigrette instead of the usual, heavier option. This will make the salad a little less filling and also keep the flavors a bit less overpowering. Of course, you can always skip all those preservatives and make your own dressing instead!

Truffle Oil Mac n' Cheese

This idea came to me when I was super craving lobster mac n' cheese but no restaurant I wanted to go to had it on the menu. Seriously, I could live on lobster mac n' cheese, unfortunately, that would lead to massive joint pain from my new-found 400-pound frame, a massive reduction in friends because who wants to smell mac n' cheese all day, and constant pawing from cats for my lobster. It is my lobster cats, get use to it.

I digress. Lobster mac n' cheese is good, but pricey. Truffle oil mac n' cheese is slightly less pricey and oh-so good!!

Garlic Roasted Kale

This is my favorite way to make kale ever. It is so easy and so yummy, you just might want it every night as well! My best recommendation for this is to add the kale in intervals so you have different textures of leafy green. I also like to continue adding small amounts of seasoning, olive oil, and vinegar each time I add more kale. The fish also helps add some fats and flavor, but if you would prefer, chicken or nothing at all works just as well!

If you really want to mix it up (which I always like doing) add some spinach in as well! Just be sure to add the spinach towards the end since it cooks much faster than kale.

Recipes for Labor Day Leftovers

by Jenni in

As you may know, Labor Day was celebrated yesterday. For most of us this meant barbecuing, beaching, and all out relaxing. Of course, there is plenty of eating to go along! For all those out there who had massive parties or even just made some massive amounts of food, you could be looking at some serious leftovers. Of course, there is always the option to eat those leftovers just the way you made them, but, if you want to mix it up a bit, these recipes could help! 

Barbecue Chicken Salad

This recipe uses two things you may have leftover- barbecue chicken and corn on the cob. Whether you are making this as a quick lunch or light dinner, it will be fantastic! Keep it simple by using Worcestershire sauce like the recipe suggests, or really go out and use that delicious, delicious ranch dressing. Yum!

Crab Rolls

{via, via}

Yesterday we had a low country broil for dinner, sans the potatoes. Yes, it was amazing and I almost wish I had not gorged myself so we could have any leftovers to make these with! Unfortunately, we ate way too much and have no leftovers left. It was totally worth it though ;) Low country broils may be my favorite meal ever to exist!

If you, however, do have crab leftover in your fridge, there is a pretty great chance you will want to use it fast and not in the same way you prepared it. Both of these recipes will be great for day-old crab, just be sure to use it quick! Of course, either one can also be supplemented with shrimp, lobster, or canned crab as well. The first recipe option above is a bit healthier. With only 238 calories and 5 grams fat, it is almost half of the Panera-recommended option. Of course, the slightly less healthy one also seems slightly easier to make.

Oh, and just because it came up with my "crab roll" search, here is a super yummy looking recipe for cinnamon roll protein pancakes. Yes, please!

Wine Granita


This might just be the best use of stale wine or beer ever. And, if you had a Labor Day party, there is a chance you have a bit of both. Instead of sadly pouring it down the sink, simultaneously wasting your libations and giving your house that oh-so sought after fraternity house smell, use it for a dessert! These granitas will save all that unused wine and beer and the best part is you actually want it to be stale.

For those with some serious dessert leftovers, this list of ways to use cake could be super handy! This one is great for any of those pies and cobblers you still have hanging around.


Meat Free Monday: Chipotle, Healthy

by Jenni in

Chipotle is an eating phenomenon. I remember going there in college and leaving since there was a line out the door and into the parking lot. It is no wonder they are so popular since they are organic, hormone free, and (sometimes) locally purchased. Here are four meat free options from Chipotle that are tasty and under 500 calories!

The secret for keeping the caloric intake down seems to be with the sauces you choose. If you love the chili salsas, go with the green chili. This one will add 15 calories compared to the added 40 from the red-chili. Guacamole is a much healthier option than sour cream, but if you do not wish to shell out the extra money for a tablespoon of it, you can always opt for something like the fresh tomato salsa to add some extra flavor. Get this and the green chili for some flavor explosions!

The rice will also hit you where it hurts health-wise... Even the brown. If you are going for something that already has a starch component like a burrito or tacos, opt out of the rice and get some veggies and salsa instead. This will cut your caloric intake by about a quarter. When it comes to the Fresh Tomato Salsa vs the Roasted Corn, I like the Roasted Corn more, but it will add 1.5 grams fat, almost 20 carbs more, and 80 calories. The Fresh Tomato only add 20 calories and a few carbs. If you are getting tacos, the soft corn tortillas have about 100 calories less than the flour or crispy. The fat content is less for these as well.

I will always opt for black beans over pinto since they are the same in calories, but black beans have a far greater amount of protein. More for your money.

All of this information can be found by visiting Chipotle's nutrition page.

Burrito Bowl

340 Calories, 5.5 grams fat, 66 grams carbs, 13 grams protein

  • Ingredients: Brown Rice, Black Beans, Fajita Veggies, Lettuce, Fresh Tomato Salsa, Green Chili Salsa


285 Calories, 10 grams fat, 36 grams carbs, 19 grams protein

  • Ingredients: Lettuce, Black Beans, Fajita Veggies, Fresh Tomato Salsa, Cheese, Green Chili Salsa


450 Calories, 10.5 grams fat, 75 grams carbs, 16 grams protein

  • Ingredients: Lettuce, Black Beans, Fajita Veggies, Fresh Tomato Salsa


Based on three tacos: 340 Calories, 10.5 grams fat, 51 grams carbs, 15.5 grams protein

  • Ingredients: Soft Corn Tortillas, Fajita Veggies, Lettuce, Fresh Tomato Salsa, Green Chili Salsa, Cheese