Sliding Workouts

by Jenni in

Have you ever tried a towel or skateboard workout? Boy, are they intense! If you have done these before, you know that it is a massive ab and glute workout. If you have not, I would highly recommend trying it! Skateboard workouts are my personal favorite, but if you do not have a skateboard available, towel workouts are fantastic as well! For either of these workouts, the goal is to use your leg, abdominal, and arm strength while any other portion of you is sliding around on the floor. This takes lots of balance, coordination, and strength- and because of that, is a great whole body workout!

Although skateboard workouts are not as big of a hit yet, there are still a few YouTube videos out there with them. I may just need to do a workout with the skateboard on the blog soon, because there are simply not enough good resources for a full workout.

As for towel workouts, there are PLENTY! These are a few of my favorite towel and skateboard workouts. I have also heard of using paper plates and added a Cassey Ho workout where she does just that! Let me know which is your favorite!

A Full [and Intense] Skateboard Workout

Pumps and Iron Towel Workout

This workout is very quick and VERY effective. My favorite part is that Nicole goes over proper posture. Towel workouts can be much more intense than a regular workout, and for that reason, can be a lot easier to get something wrong and get hurt from. Back strain is a big part of that. The goal is to have other parts of your body making up for the lack of resistance and support the towel gives. If you are feeling lower back pain, take a minute to readjust, something is not right.

Cassey Ho Plate Workout for Abs

April is for Abs

by Jenni in

You may have seen quite a few ab workouts already this month everywhere. That is because almost everyone has set aside April for abs. It makes sense though, doesn't it? We are all trying to get those flat abs before bikini season comes and what better way than to start up some great April challenges this month! If you are looking for some fun challenges, I would recommend Fitnessista's April plank challenge. It is not too late to start and it is sure to bring some great results! 

For me, yoga really works my upper abs, but my lower abs are the area that need some help. Thankfully, running keeps things where they should be, but sometimes a girl (or guy) just needs an ab-centric workout to get that definition again. Both of these workouts below will help tone, tighten, and define that core so we are ready when summer [finally] comes! 

PopSugar Ultimate Ab Workout

This one was made for us today! It is all about getting abs ready for bikini's and has some pretty fun moves that you may not have done before. This will be a serious workout, and all in 10-minutes! This would be great to complete after a cardio workout, or, on it's own when the day it just. too. busy. 

POP Pilates Intense Ab Workout

This Cassey Ho workout is an intense 10-minute workout that will leave your lower abs screaming as well. Seriously, if we do not have some serious toning after these, we may be dead. This one will be great after a cardio workout, or, how I will be using it is as a yoga warm-up today. Both will give you a great workout and get us closer to that bikini body.