Make Your Own Rules

by Jenni in

Tara Stiles' Make Your Own Rules Diet book is now available and I have already started reading mine! Of course, there will be a review out shortly- as soon as I can decide whether to read the book then review it or read the book, do the diet plan, and also complete all the yoga flows, then review it. Honestly, the second option sounds much more thorough and quite a bit better. That, however, will take time.

Although I am not a band-wagon dieter, I do appreciate Tara Stiles' health philosophies and need to get my body on a better track than where it is heading. If you are like me, the diet part may not sound so great, but the getting your health and fitness life on track could be what we all need.

Tara seemed very wise in releasing the book before the holidays rather than after. Of course, she could have made more if it was released right before Christmas or at the New Year, but let's face it, we all need a little extra help when pies, potatoes, cookies, and all other not healthy things are being passed around like a necessity.

Really though, I am just excited to get some help with health goals, see what her ridiculously yummy recipes are, and have some fantastic new yoga flows! If that sounds good to you as well, let's do it together! You can order the book by clicking the link above or any of the links in the article :) Now, let's have some fun with health food!

Recipes for Labor Day Leftovers

by Jenni in

As you may know, Labor Day was celebrated yesterday. For most of us this meant barbecuing, beaching, and all out relaxing. Of course, there is plenty of eating to go along! For all those out there who had massive parties or even just made some massive amounts of food, you could be looking at some serious leftovers. Of course, there is always the option to eat those leftovers just the way you made them, but, if you want to mix it up a bit, these recipes could help! 

Barbecue Chicken Salad

This recipe uses two things you may have leftover- barbecue chicken and corn on the cob. Whether you are making this as a quick lunch or light dinner, it will be fantastic! Keep it simple by using Worcestershire sauce like the recipe suggests, or really go out and use that delicious, delicious ranch dressing. Yum!

Crab Rolls

{via, via}

Yesterday we had a low country broil for dinner, sans the potatoes. Yes, it was amazing and I almost wish I had not gorged myself so we could have any leftovers to make these with! Unfortunately, we ate way too much and have no leftovers left. It was totally worth it though ;) Low country broils may be my favorite meal ever to exist!

If you, however, do have crab leftover in your fridge, there is a pretty great chance you will want to use it fast and not in the same way you prepared it. Both of these recipes will be great for day-old crab, just be sure to use it quick! Of course, either one can also be supplemented with shrimp, lobster, or canned crab as well. The first recipe option above is a bit healthier. With only 238 calories and 5 grams fat, it is almost half of the Panera-recommended option. Of course, the slightly less healthy one also seems slightly easier to make.

Oh, and just because it came up with my "crab roll" search, here is a super yummy looking recipe for cinnamon roll protein pancakes. Yes, please!

Wine Granita


This might just be the best use of stale wine or beer ever. And, if you had a Labor Day party, there is a chance you have a bit of both. Instead of sadly pouring it down the sink, simultaneously wasting your libations and giving your house that oh-so sought after fraternity house smell, use it for a dessert! These granitas will save all that unused wine and beer and the best part is you actually want it to be stale.

For those with some serious dessert leftovers, this list of ways to use cake could be super handy! This one is great for any of those pies and cobblers you still have hanging around.