The Best Pedometer Apps for iPhone

by Jenni in

I have washed, lost, and flushed my FitBit enough to know that something that tiny and able to hide is not a good combination for my forgettable memory. Sigh. As much I love the FitBit, it just does not work for me. That is why I am on a quest to find some of the best fitness tracking apps on the market. Easy, you say? Not so. Turns out that there are very few good fitness tracking apps out there that stay on after the app is not in use and do not eat your battery to an inch of your phone's life by 10 am.

If you have an app other than these that you have found and seriously love. Please, please, please tell me. I am still looking for that holy grail in health monitoring, fitness tracking. That is, until the Apple watch comes out. Then we can forget all of this and wear our health on our sleeve. But, that is a whole 60-90 days away and I seriously doubt all of us who want one will be able to get it day 1.


As far as turning your phone into a pedometer, the Pedometer++ app has to be my favorite so far. I would love to love Apple's health app but there are days where it will log nothing and days when it is right on the money. Pedometer++ always works. So, a few things I love about Pedometer++ is the pretty interface that has a graph showing your daily steps over the past week, the fact that it imports the correct numbers from Apple Health. Because it is importing from your Health app, it also knows steps, altitude changes, and daily step goals can be changed. This app does not use up tons of battery as well. 

If your Health app already works great, you may not need this. If, however, you would like something simple that shows you results and rewards you for your efforts, this could be the best app yet.


Breeze is pretty, simply, and give your a spirit animal depending on your activity. The app tracks the past 7 days and has a great interface to help you see how far your are from reaching your goals. Although it does not show altitude, it does show you your month by month history so you can see how many steps you have walked in a month.

Something interesting that Breeze does is show you your longest activity. This means the longest amount of time your were in movement without stopping and resting. No, it is not necessary, but it sure is fun to look at!

If you do not have an iPhone 6, some other great apps include Moves and Runtastic's Pedometer app. Unfortunately, there are a few bugs that need to be fixed for the iPhone 6 before either can be taken seriously. 

What are some of your favorite fitness tracking apps?

Things I am Loving

by Jenni in

We all have things that suddenly and unexpectedly make us look like this. There have been a few items, blog posts, and the like over the past couple of weeks that I have simply fallen in love with. Get ready, because there are a lot of things that I have become completely addicted to. One of them being this completely unproductive yet engrossing name website. For instance, I now know that my great-grandmother's name, Alma, was quite popular at the turn of the century. Well, it may not be the cure to world hunger, but I found it super interesting!

There is one thing, however that has lost me. Sadly, as of two weeks ago, I fell out of love with Pretty Little Liars. I mean really, if there was a town that crazy ANYWHERE the entire world would come together in the sole purpose of destroying it. Getting rid of the craziness that is Rosewood could literally bring world peace. That is how crazy PLL has become. Rant complete.

These Jeans

I am LOVING all of her super handy and simple make-up tutorials. She, like me, is a bottle red-head and does make-up to suit those color tones. This has made is super easy for me to do what she does and, bam! have amazing looking make-up. So far, my absolute favorite has been this one on using oranges. It revolutionized my summer make-up regimen.

I am not usually a Hollister kind of gal, but I was in the market for jeans at a time they were having a sale no one could refuse. I purchased these and my love has grown everyday that I wear them. Granted, it has only been a week and I have not washed them yet, but they are incredible. Simply the most comfy, least awkward-when-worn-too-much jeans I have ever purchased, and for under $30!

Braided Buns

These are so easy to do and look so refined. Definitely not like something you just did because your hair has decided to go in every direction but flat. And let's face it, that is one of the best reasons anyone has for putting their hair in a bun.

Deodorant for Clothes

Because we are camping. And because sometimes you just don't have time to dry clean that one needed article of clothing.

These Shoes

I got them on a sale and have also fallen in love with them. If they are still available, man are they a good buy! The only downside is that the buckle hits right on my ankle bone. This has made a comfort issue when I try to wear them too tight. Just as long as the buckle stays loose though, they are super comfy.


My wallet is telling me no but my mind is telling me yes! There have been so many incredible sales this past month on Etsy, J. Crew, The Gap, Hollister, and about 50 other places that I cannot currently think of. It has made purchasing all those needed clothes for summer and fall soooo easy!

Photo Beautifiers

Apps like Afterlight and Over have made my new Instagram goals soo much easier! Not only am I able to get pictures out more regularly, but they do no look like my usual sad, gray photos of nothingness. Yay for apps that make us look much more proficient with cameras than we may actually be!

Michigan Weather

Grand Haven Michigan

We are heading down to Florida this week and I have an odd feeling there will be some weather shock in my future. The summer in Michigan has been wonderful with very few days reaching above 85 degrees. This Michigan summer has definitely been on the top of my "Things I am Loving"  list.

This Bracelet

I ordered it. Received it 4-days later. And fell for it on the spot. It is simple, light, and comes in some pretty nice packaging to boot!

Fishtail Braids

They are easy when you get the hang of it and look so wonderful. I also absolutely love them with a pretty hair band or some big earrings. Swoon.

This is a great tutorial as well!

Jaclyn Hill

I am LOVING all of her super handy and simple make-up tutorials. She, like me, is a bottle red-head and does make-up to suit those color tones. This has made is super easy for me to do what she does and, bam! have amazing looking make-up. So far, my absolute favorite has been this one on using oranges. It revolutionized my summer make-up regimen.