Happy Sunday all! I hope your weekend has been wonderful. This weekend I picked up a new book series, so all my spare time has been spent reading it. Book one was finished last night and book two started. Once I finish book three, I will be sure to tell you the book and my thoughts!
The hubs has also been pretty sick this weekend with that bug that seems to be hitting 60% of us. So, it has been a stay-at-home couple of days as well. Thankfully, I am not sick and have been able to kick up my running a bit this week. Next week my cousin will be introducing myself and her sister to Barry's Boot Camp down in Miami. Needless to say, this week has been filled with a bit extra cardio in preparation. The cardio has also been spurred on with a fun new app I got called Nike+ Running. I know, it has been around forever, but I just started having fun with it this week... More info on that to come in the future!
Sunday: My first Pure Barre class where my legs and back and abs were sore for two days.
Monday: My first Nike+ run of 4-miles followed by eating soup... It has been a cold week in Florida
Tuesday: Another Nike+ run of 3-miles followed by this detox yoga flow which I loved after a run.
Wednesday: This Power Vinyasa Yoga flow by Ali K. It was great! You will be about 3/4's of the way through before it feels like 10-minutes have passed!
Thursday: Another 3-mile Nike+ run and the first one I tracked! Whoohoo, tracking! It worls pretty great :)
Friday: Rest day which was meant to be another 5-mile run but I found a book and read through the run. What can I say, I am a story addict.
Saturday: Late night AMRAP kettlebell workout from Pumps and Iron that left me dripping sweat after 15-minutes (photo above). I was part-way through number eight when that glorious timer went off. This was followed by a nice full-body yoga flow from Tara Stiles. Then more reading, and bed much, much later.