The Perfect Sit Up

by Jenni in

Well, it is the beginning of those new years resolutions. Here is something for those who added "get a six pack" (and I know there are a few of you out there!) to there yearly goals. We bought The Perfect Sit Up a few months ago, and honestly, I cannot remember why.... But I am happy we did. I love sit ups as much as the next girl- Well, maybe a little bit more. But even my sit ups could use some perfecting.

Chances are, the majority of people out there could use some help in the sit-up department. If you have ever gotten a sore neck, lower back, or not sore abs, you may be one of them. This machine is a bit cheaper than hiring a personal trainer any time you want to get some ab work in. It has some pretty neat machinery that works in ways I do not understand to make sure that you are sitting up far enough and sitting up right.

The machine (not really a machine) can be altered for taller or shorter people and can be changed to do bicycle sit ups and the like. If you are one of those ridiculous muscle people, this could help you too! The machine can increase resistance to give a harder workout. Maybe not the thing for someone on their first day of ab toning, but definitely handy for the sit-up veteran. A nice little perk is the hanger attachment it comes with for hanging in your closet with ease. This may be one of my favorite perks, gotta hate clunky workout equipment that cannot find a home.