Next week we will be touching on stretching and flexibility a bit more, but for now, I wanted to share a great yoga flow that will help with flexibility. Keeping your muscles loose post workout will help stop tightness and pain, and also release harmful chemicals from your body. This yoga flow is great after a workout, or on it's own. Be sure to warm up a bit beforehand to get muscles loose and reduce the risk of overstretching. Five minutes of jogging mixed with some jumping jacks is the perfect pre-yoga warm up!
Post Workout Stretching
If you are a child of the 80‘s like me, you most likely remember those crazy awesome Stretch Armstrong dolls. When I was little I loooved these toys and still think of him all the time when I am doing my post workout stretching. It is so very important to stretch after a workout. Besides the obvious becoming Stretch Armstrong perk, it will also keep muscles long and lean and will help repair and rebuild tissue faster. There is not one day that I workout without a 5 minute+ post-workout stretch.
Tight muscles have a higher probability for injury and higher levels of pain. Stretching will relax and expand those tightened muscles, and it will also increase oxygen supply to the areas that need it most. Below is a list of my favorite general stretches for the abs, arms, and legs. Next week, I will start going into more isolated stretches for muscles in these different areas!
I would suggest doing 1 to 2 stretches from each category if you are working your whole body. Hold the stretch for at least 1 minute before moving on. It is important to only push your body until you feel a slight discomfort, then keep it there. Pushing your muscles any further or "bouncing" them can actually do much more damage then good. If your goal is to be more limber, be patient. You will not see results in a day, but after a week or so it will be obvious!
Camel/Cat: Start on hands and knees. Arch back upwards and tuck head and bum under. The entire back should feel a stretching here. Hold for a few seconds, then lift head and bum up while bringing mid back downward. Complete about two camel and two cat per minute.
Half moon: Stand with arms outstretched above head and palms together. Bend from the torso up to the left, right, front, and back. Neck should be straight and there should be no strain on the lower back. Hold each side for at least 30 seconds.
Up-dog: Lay on the floor with arms bent upwards and palm resting on the floor under shoulders. Straighten arms, lifting everything above the knee off the ground. Back should be curved and head should be tilted up so eyes are looking towards the ceiling.
Arm stretch forward: Place arms straight ahead with fingers interlaced and palms facing out. Arch back inward and stretch arms outward.
Arm over chest stretch: Bring left hand over alternating shoulder like you are patting yourself on the back. Place your right hand on your bent elbow and push slightly. This should stretch the triceps.
Arms stretched back: This is the reverse of arms stretched forward and will work the biceps. Palms should be facing towards you.
Forward Fold: One of my staple stretches. This can be done and different leg widths for different muscle groups. Legs together for hamstrings, shoulder width for upper leg, and three feet apart or more for inner thigh. Bend forward and hold with a straight back or curved.
Flamingo: If you are not great at balancing, hold on to something. Stand with feet hip width apart. bend knee and hold ankle so your foot is almost touching your bum. Make sure not to arch back and keep leg in line with the rest of your body.
Standing bow pulling yoga pose: Oh how I love this. Straighten leg from flamingo pose and lower torso while lifting the raised foot. The goal is to have the supporting leg straight with the stretched leg at 90 degrees and foot lifted above head! This will stretch almost all of your leg and is great for balance.