Happy 4th of July and a 1776 Workout!

by Jenni in

Happy 4th of July! Today we celebrate the 238th birthday of the United States of America. To celebrate, we have completely bought into Michigan's new firework laws by purchasing dozens of real, giant fireworks! Oh boy am I excited!!! Fireworks are one of the many things that turn me into a giddy four year-old girl who has had waaayy too much candy. It will be great! 

Before fireworks we will have a camp-wide cookout followed by a camp fire with singing and s'mores. Then, comes the firework display that the hubs has headed up. Hehe, I think he saw a new side of me yesterday when we went to purchase said fireworks. Usually when shopping I am the voice of reason; yesterday I was ready to buy all the biggest fireworks with an excitement that is usually reserved for Disney or Maru. We (and by "we" I mean "he") then made a "no picking products up until we are sure we want them" rule and I no longer looked like a crazy lady on a mission to explode her own home. It is also wise to say I will be standing far away from the production when fuses get lit and things go boom. 

For this special Friday I thought that a special workout was in order. Of course, today we will be resting from in the squat challenge that I am so excited to be doing with you! If you are still hoping to get a workout, try this interval workout that also celebrates the birth year of this country. 

4th of July 1776 interval workout

3 Drink Mixes to Try This Summer

by Jenni in

First, today is the second day of our squat challenge! I am so happy to be doing this with you! Yesterday's was quite wonderful, so let's kick it up a bit on the second day of the challenge :)

Summer is here, summer is here! When I think summer I think sipping drinks poolside or lounging at the beach. It makes perfect sense then to be seeing so many fantastic drinks that are perfect for poolside sipping, picnics, and tanning by the beach.  

Since we are up at camp and working super hard 12+ hours of the day, these drinks will have to be put on hold for the time being. But you just wait, August, I guarantee that one or two of these goodies will be in your future! 

Rose Sangria


There is a very abrupt split in our family between those who love sangria and those who hate it. I am on the side of loving it; I mean, it is wine and juice with fruit, how could someone not?! This Rose Sangria was first discovered on Cup of Jo from Kimberley Hasselbrink's new book, Vibrant Food, and I have been thinking of it ever since. Ingredients include Rose, watermelon, lime, raspberries and more. Drink this and think of me... then tell me how it is! 

Blueberry and Basil Smoothie

This goodie is something that everyone in the family can enjoy and is even a bit healthy! Honestly though, I would be just as happy looking at this beauty as I would be eating it. The blue coloring and green leaves just makes is so appealing. Then you add in the cool smoothie after a hot day and it just might be heaven! This could be one I will be trying before summer is fading away! 

Tom Terrific

Don't you just love this name? What you may love even more is the mix of Indian Pale Ale with gin. I could totally see this drink being sipped at an uber lush backyard barbecue where everyone has perfect smiles and are nonchalantly laughing with one another. Adorable children with perfect manners, hair, and clothing would be playing with perfect puppies and all the adults would have impeccable taste in fashion. Of course, Tom would be there, he is so terrific.