Meat Free Monday: Caramelized Onion and Pear Pizza

by Jenni in

Caramelized Onion and Pear Pizza

Home made pizza is a great replacement for Dominos, is healthier, and will cost quite a bit less! To be honest, I was going to save pizza for another day, but we had this last week and it was so pretty and yummy and wonderful- Well, I had to share! I hope you enjoy the simple prep and yummy-ness as much as we did! Pairs great with a light salad ;)

Servings: 2-4    Prep Time: 15 minutes    Cook Time: 15 minutes


1 lb pre or homemade pizza dough

1 tablespoon honey

2 tablespoon olive oil

1 medium onion, thinly sliced

1-2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

1 tablespoon sugar

1 cup pear, thinly sliced

1 teaspoon lemon juice

1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese

Set oven to 450 degrees. Slice the pear and onion and mix the pear with lemon juice so the pears maintain color. Set aside and heat a skillet over medium/high heat. Add in olive oil and thinly sliced onions. Wait until onions begin to cook, then add in sugar. You may need to turn heat down at this point. Wait until onions are cooked, 5 minutes, then add in balsamic. Reduce for another 5-10 minutes until caramelized. Be sure to take skillet off heat when adding the balsamic, things could get messy. Once cooked, take off heat and set aside.

Meanwhile, knead pizza dough, mixing in the honey as you knead. Separate the dough into two equal sized lumps. Flatten dough into pizza pies that are about 1/8 an inch thick. I usually use a roller to get them thin. Do not worry about them being perfectly circular either, mine never are.

Once pizza is ready, place the pear and onions on the dough. Keep a few pears to be placed over the cheese. Add the cheese onto the pizza and a few pears to the top of the cheese. Cook on baking sheet for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the pizza should be firm enough to remove the baking sheet. Cook without baking sheet another 3-5 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool for a few minutes before slicing and serving.

Meat Free Monday: Mushroom and Walnut Thanksgiving Stuffing

by Jenni in

Walnut and Mushroom Stuffing

Thanksgiving week is here! The holidays are really upon us and if you are like me, you are searching the internets for some great holiday eats. This walnut and mushroom stuffing is something I made last year and has become a tradition since. It is easy, quick, and great for the vegetarians in the family. Plus, Not the knock your socks off calorie count that we are use to are use to around the holidays!

Servings: 8    Prep time: 30 minutes    Cook time: 30 minutes


2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil plus some for baking dish

2 medium yellow onions, chopped

3 stalks, 1 heaping cup celery, chopped

Salt and pepper to taste

5 oz. bella mushrooms, chopped

5 oz. Portobello mushrooms, chopped

2 tablespoons sage, chopped

1/2 cup dry white wine, Sauvignon Blanc

1 cup walnuts, chopped

6 cups bread, chopped into 3/4 to 1 inch pieces and toasted or left out overnight

1 1/4 cups vegetable broth

2 large eggs, beaten

Set oven to 400 degrees. Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in pan. Combine chopped onion and celery in pan over medium/high heat. Cook, stirring occasionally, until translucent- 5 to 7 minutes. Set aside in bowl. Combined 1 tablespoon olive oil, chopped mushrooms, sage, and salt and pepper over medium/high heat and cook until browned- about 5 minutes. Add in the 1/2 cup white wine and cook until wine is almost evaporated. Add mushrooms to vegetable bowl and mix in walnuts and bread. Move to oiled baking dish and mix in the broth. Make sure not to add too much broth, the bread should only be moistened. Add salt and pepper to taste. Beat eggs and combine well with stuffing.

Bake, uncovered, for 30-35 minutes or until top is golden brown.

Meat Free Monday: Pumpkin Soup

by Jenni in

Pumpkin Soup

There are few things as fitting to start the holiday season as pumpkin soup, especially when it is healthy! I just made this recipe for a birthday celebration and it was so yummy. Best, part, it is under 200 calories and has 8+ grams of protein, score-sees!!

Servings: 4


3 1/2 cups roasted pumpkin. About two medium sugar pie pumpkins

1/2 medium sweet onion, chopped

1/2 tablespoon olive oil

1/2 tablespoon ginger

1/2 tablespoon nutmeg

1/2 tablespoon cinnamon

2 cups vegetable broth

1 1/2 cups almond milk

1 tablespoon agave nectar or 1/2 tablespoon sugar (optional)

Cut pumpkins in half, de-seed, place cut side down, and roast in 400 degree oven for 45 minutes. When the pumpkins are ready, the skin should be coming off the meat and it should be tender. Wait for pumpkin to cool then remove the skin, dice, and puree in a food processor.

Combine olive oil and chopped onion in large pot on medium heat. heat until onion is translucent, about 3 minutes. Once translucent, add in the ginger, nutmeg, and cinnamon and let sit for one minute. Add in the pureed pumpkin and broth and simmer on low heat for 5 minutes. Add in the milk and simmer for another 5 minutes. If you would like your pumpkin soup sweeter, add in 1 tablespoon of agave nectar or 1/2 tablespoon sugar.

Spoon into a blender and blend on "liquify" for at least three minutes. Add goat cheese topping and enjoy!

If you would prefer to use canned pumpkin, use one 29 oz can.

Goat Cheese Topping

4 oz goat cheese

1 tablespoon almond milk

A few sprigs of time chopped

Whip together and add to pumpkin soup as topping.

Pumpkin Bowl

Cut the top off the pumpkin and remove seeds. Bake both the pumpkin and lid for 30-45 minutes at 400 degrees.