Some Great Yoga and A Book

by Jenni in ,

Well, after this week, I am definitely needing some great yoga! It has been a wonderful end to 2014 and a very progressive but relaxed beginning. On December 31st I picked up North and South- a favorite mini series (Richard Armitage as John Thornton, I can't even) and classic English literature. It turned out that I was as engrossed in the book as I have always been in the mini series and got 20% through Wednesday, spending most of yesterday reading and finishing last night around 2 am.

It was a beautiful book and I loved hearing all my favorite characters' thoughts through out- especially John Thornton's. Swoon. Unfortunately, I thought the end was rather abrupt and wished for another chapter or two. But, that is what they say a good book should feel like, right? One should race to the end, then feel remorse that there is no more. If that is the case, this is definitely a book you should consider reading, or watching the mini series that is free on Netflix and Amazon Prime. It is so. good.

Now, on to the whole purpose of this post, nay, this blog- a workout! I have not been doing as many of my own workouts lately, but taking workouts from online and adding a bit extra to it. There is a resistance band bum workout that will simply have to be shared soon (it will change your bum), but for now, here is a yoga video that I love and will be doing later today!

I did this flow a few days ago after a 3-mile run and simply loved it! It was the perfect stretch/tone/cool down that my body needed. This yoga flow can be done on it's own, or with another cardio or strength workout to get those muscles warmed up and ready!

Now, for a questions... Do you prefer reading a book first or watching the movie/mini series/show? I am a fan of watching the movie for an overview, then reading the book for a more in-depth look at the characters!

Also, sorry for the messy half post yesterday... That is a future title that I thought was scheduled for next week. So, there was a little preview for you- Life hacks for 2015!

Have a wonderful weekend!

How to Make Goals and Get them Done- Plus, My 2015 Goals!

by Jenni in

Happy New Year! This year I plan on having the happiest, healthiest, and most productive year yet. My year is going to be filled with self improvement, kindness, peace, and love. It will not be filled with stress, worry, or strife. That is what I have decided and what I am going to be all about!

It may sound hippie or weird, but last year I planned what my year would look like at the end, and it honestly turned out better than I could have thought. This year, I am doing the same. For my New Year's Resolution post, I talked all about what I will be doing this year and what those all-important goals are. Well, something else I have learned from family, friends, and a few fantastic reads is that writing our goals down once is simply not enough. If we truly want our life to change and our goals to be achieved, we have to write them down and read them often. Keeping goals at the forefront of our mind helps us to unconsciously shape or move our lives towards that outcome. Crazy, right?! 

For this reason I have typed down and printed up my goals so I can read them morning and night and make. things. happen. Sure, writing them down with your own font/handwriting is better, but my hand cramps after writing one sentence, making my writing is almost illegible. Can we say child of the computer generation? Yes, yes we can.

There are 15 goals on this list which is more than the recommended 10 and I am still working on shortening the writing, but here they are as is. They all relate to those New Year's resolutions but in a much shorter, concise, and easy to read way. They are also in no order of importance since I think every one is just as important as the next0 thus the hardship in widdling them down from fifteen to ten.

Oh, two more things before we get to the reading. Writing your goals as though they have already happened helps trick the mind into believing (and thus living) like they already have. Next, just like in past goal posts, I have taken out things that have no relation to the average reader (i.e. business and the super personal things).

Now, for those goals! . What are your 2015 goals and do you plan on reading them often?

  1. I am so happy that through proper networking and effort I have doubled my average page views on the blog. 
  2. I have great time management and, because of that, am able to accomplish all I have set out in the day without stress or worry. 
  3. Our home is a clean, organized area. I am so happy that my closet and office are constantly well organized and we do not have clutter in our home. 
  4. The wood flooring in our bedrooms is beautiful!
  5. I am happy to properly understand our monthly and yearly finances. Because of this we pay all bills on time and are able to feel no budget constraints while putting extra aside each month. 
  6. I have plenty of time to work hard as a volunteer and finish all projects with integrity. I am so happy to be able to volunteer at All Children’s, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and Mote Marine.  
  7. I am constantly improving my relationship with people. People can tell that I deeply care for them. I am kind and welcoming person and a fantastic leader!
  8. I am so happy to be a deeper person through reading, increased self awareness, and a better understanding of what I stand for.
  9. I have a proper self image and know where my life is going and what I want to become.  
  10. I am so happy to have learned Japanese!! Watashi wa Nihon no mananda koto ni hijo ni manzoku shite iru.  
  11. I am a healthy, happy person who is careful of what I eat and because of this, I feel great and have endless energy. 
  12. I am in the best shape I have ever been in and feel great! I run faster and farther, have a low BFP, and have increased energy. Workouts are a joy! 
  13. I am so happy to live without stress!