Happy August!

by Jenni in


Happy August everyone! Today we start our trek down to Florida and officially leave Michigan. The hubs and I tend to take our years from summer to summer. For us, leaving Michigan means summer is over. Whenever this time of year comes around, I tend to think about the goals I have had over the past year, which ones have been accomplished, and which need to be reset.  

This year has been pretty incredible for me. One of the biggest goals I was able to achieve was starting this blog. The interest in creating a blog spurred May of last year. So, summer of 2012 was filled with research on how to start a blog and tons (seriously, tons) of help from the hubs. Like the site, the pics, the everything but the writing? He did it.

Now, we are two months away from the one year anniversary and some new goals! There are some great ideas we have floating around about how to increase media on P+K. And, of course a few other fun goods as well. I am super excited about what this "new year"  will bring for the P+K family! What are some of your big goals for this year? Have any of them been accomplished or are there some that need a refresher? If you start your new year's goals on January one, you are halfway through accomplishing them! Hopefully, this half-way point works as a time to sit reflect on your year so far. I can guarantee that we will be reflecting over the year together, and hopefully, continue reaching for those incredible achievements together!

Hehe, please bare with my introspection and know that there will be plenty of great things ahead for the whole P+K fam! Oh, and if you are wondering what this picture is, I took it in the middle of one of our fields up here. Yep, we are totally in heaven here in Michigan. But now it is back to home, cats, and super warm weather!  

Things I am Currently Loving

by Jenni in

It has been a while since we have talked about the products, shows, or blogs that I am currently loving. I have found myself missing all of these things when we are on vacation, are forgotten to pack, or I am away from my house for more than five minutes at a time. Hermit, yes.

Since we have been away from home for a while now and will not be getting back for a while longer, some of these are extra missed and will be tightly embraced when I return to them. I should also warn you that we are getting to the nostalgic stage of my being away from home. This means we are bound to have a post completely comprised of pictures of the two cutest cats ever quite soon. Prepare.



Hommemaker is a blog created by Emily Henderson's assistant, Orlando Soria. This is easily the funniest blog I have ever read. Somehow, Orlando is able to get me wanting to cry in one sentence, then bursting out laughing in another.  

Orlando, like Emily, also posts pictures of recent projects and his own home. His home is beautiful and has a bit more of a masculine, refined style when compared to Emily Henderson's. If you are wanting some great style tips and quite a few laughs, check out his blog. He does not update daily, but it is totally worth it when he does.

Keurig Vue

I ordered this beauty for our cat sitter to use while we were out of town a few months ago. Turns out, I have found my new love/obsession/addiction. This thing is incredible and I am pretty sure it loves me back.  

One of the neatest features about it- other than the massive water storage and super nice touch screen interface, is that all k-cups are recyclable. Score! Once the cup has cooled, you remove the coffee bag inside and recycle the outer cup. You're welcome, environment.

This coffee machine of awesome also makes iced coffee, iced tea, lattes (yes, lattes), and multiple size and strength coffees. Oh, and did I mention that it has an auto-on? Well, it does. Maybe I am too new to the Keurig market and all of these features are not super impressive, but I am super impressed.  

Inside the Magic


I know that we have talked about Inside the Magic before, but being this far away from Orlando for so long has helped me realize how much I enjoy the podcast and site. The creator, Ricky Brigante, is literally, my only contact with Disney while we are away. Somehow, Ricky is able to bring a bit of Disney magic into every story he does. Besides, the podcast and articles on his site help me better plan and anticipate our next trip to Disney in August. Yes, that is how much we/I miss Disney- we are willing to go during the hottest month of the year!

Victoria's Secret Cami Sport Bra



I got this sport bra a few months ago on a sale and my only regret is not getting more. The bra is super comfortable, looks good with everything, and does not move- at all. This has quickly moved to the top of my list for must-have workout attire. The back is also super cute and has a sweat wicking mesh-like material. I got mine in the gray, but will definitely be getting a few more of the brighter colors as well!

Extra perk, it has a nice neck line that looks good, but is not super revealing. It also fits really well with a heart rate monitor band underneath!  

Shark Diving

by Jenni in

shark diving.jpg

Yea, the one in the black and yellow wetsuit, that's me...

I know, I know. I have been doing quite a few "Lifestyle" posts instead of fitness or food posts. But there is just so much going on right now that I want to share. One of the most fun, and most recent, things is shark diving in the Bahamas. We went through Stuart's Cove and had an incredible experience. There were two dives, both in the same location- a sunken ship about 20-minutes off the coast of Nassau.


It was crazy. I so wish I had pictures from before we got into the water on the first dive, but fins, wet suits, and a giant tank do limit picture mobility a bit. If I had gotten a picture, you would see sharks circling our boat while we were jumping in. As I said, crazy.

One of the coolest experiences ever was the beginning of the second dive. We were on the bottom, waiting for the shark feeder to come down and I was able to look up towards the surface. When I did, all I saw was about 10-15 sharks circling about 20-feet above me. It was incredible. Those experiences that bring such calm when they should bring fear are some of the best experiences ever!  

All the sharks were reef sharks between 6-10 feet. The first dive had a couple, but the second dive is where they really came out. This totally makes sense considering that the sharks got fed during the second dive. We were able to take our GoPro's with us, so there will be some videos on the blog sometime in August (hopefully). Until then, Enjoy these pics!  
