Preview of Atlantis

by Jenni in

The hubs and I have been in Atlantis Bahamas for the past few days with some of our closest friends. The trip has been fantastic and I cannot wait to share more with you!

Today, we are doing something that I have been waiting to do for years. Ready? We are going shark diving! Thank goodness, almost everyone we are going with will have a Go Pro in hand, so there will be tons of video evidence to show you later. Too bad, the hubs is a bit busy right now with some other video projects... It may be some time before those pics and any shark diving videos are up on P+K.

For now, we have a pretty great photo preview of some more things to come. These are just a few of my favorite pics taken with my iPhone. The professional picture will come later.  


The view from our hotel room! Yep, that is the Caribbean you are seeing... And a few pools in between.


This is just one more view from our room, looking in the other direction.  


A sunset from a gorgeous Caribbean beach!  Look at that lens flare, it's all natural!


This pool was AMAZING! 


One more beautiful beach at sunset... 

Weekly Reading Round-Up: Pretty Things

by Jenni in

There are a few things that I read religiously every day, and a few finds that I happen upon while internet browsing. These next couple of articles, websites, and blogs are some of my favorite part of the internet when it come to the beauty and home decor world.  

Emily Henderson


I love Emily Henderson. I have loved her since her doe-eyed introduction on Design Star and I still love her on Secrets from a Stylist and her new little tid-bits on the One Kings Lane ads. 

This past year I was introduced to her blog and to the lady herself. Both of these introductions made me love her even more. One, she is super passionate about her blog, Style By Emily Henderson. It is her love and one of her self stated favorite parts of her job. She has been doing tons of photo shoots of recent client's houses and has even done some of her own. Plus, I do not know many people sweeter than her in person. She was so wonderful and nice when we met her at EPCOT's food and wine festival. he is super fun and talked to us twice without needing to at all... She def knows how to make people feel extra special!  Read her blog and watch her show, you will not regret it!  



Every time that the seasons change I go through a massive make-up overhaul. Somehow, everything that I once thought looked good on me makes my face look like rubbish once a new summer, fall, winter, or spring comes around. I know, it is in my head. But, this personal make-up revival teaches me a lot about my own personal skincare and make-up preferences. Lemons just became lemonade.

I have been loving the website TypeF for all my seasonal beauty fixes. This website is like an all you can eat buffet of beauty knowledge and tips. After reading an article earlier today I now know that I have a cool skin tone. To find out for yourself, look at the veins in your arm. If your veins are a blue/green, are you cool toned like me. If your veins are more of a blue/purple, you are warmer toned. Super simple!

There are plenty of other quick tips and bits of knowledge over at Type F. This article talks about choosing the right blush for pale skin and this one gives recommendations for the perfect pink lip color. Color love.  

A Little Healthy


This last week we had a bit of a dairy article on P+K. It was a hefty one, but worth the read. I have been doing a lot of research of dairy and the effects of a dairy free diet. What I have found is quite interesting and worth the extra long article, I promise.  

If you have read this article and are looking for some more resources, check out Elana's Pantry. She has about a thousand fantastic sounding dairy free recipes, all broken down into meal types. It is incredible. If you like desserts, go ahead and scan to the bottom, just have something with you to clean up all the drool. There will be so much drool.  

Blog side note: I am super excited about some of the things coming up in the next two weeks. Stay tuned, they will be incredible!