Happy 2012!

by Jenni in

On the last day of any year, I start to think of everything that has happen in my own life over a year, and everything that has happen throughout the world. When you think about it, it has been a pretty big year. Some of the big things for me have been starting up this here blog, adding two adorable fuzzies to our family, donating more of my time to others' needs, and getting to travel to some pretty great places! But, I do not think I have seen anything that sums up the world's 2012 quite like this video. It is pretty epic what we can do when we come together. I hope you enjoy this sum up as much as I did... You may need a tissue or two, just to be sure :) 

Have a wonderful rest of the year and a fantastic next. The years only get better!

New and TWiT-Worthy

by Jenni in

Yesterday was a very exciting day in the Ross house. Last night we got word from snapguide that I had been mentioned by Sarah Lane on iPad Today- a show by TWiT on youtube, Oh goodness, the excitement. The hubby has been watching Leo Laporte since before we met, in his Tech TV days, and I have been watching Sarah Lane since G4. I think I jumped up and down for a complete five minutes over this... It is sooo awesome to us and I wanted to share my excitement with you- thus, the Saturday, none-fitness or health related post!

Watch the show or the clip about snapguide to see what they say, then get the app! If you like how-to's, food, or DIY, chances are you will like this app. Enjoy!!

Five Ways to Spend Christmas Money

by Jenni in

Our little 6 month old 9 lb kitten. He has lion as his end goal ;)

Our little 6 month old 9 lb kitten. He has lion as his end goal ;)

Christmas is just around the corner and, although, it does not look a lot like Christmas here in sunny Florida, it sure does feel like it! Soon, family will be arriving and the festivities will be in full swing. But, what about after the holidays when the family is gone, the gifts are put away, and you have a wad of gift money burning a hole in your pocket? Spending that can be a big decision (I usually hold on to mine for like a month not knowing what to do- then get pillows or something ridiculous like that). To help with the "I have all this money but what do I want to do with it" dilemma, we have the list of five great, and somewhat unexpected, ways to spend holiday cash. 

Internet Finds

While perusing the internet for some great gifts for everyone else on your list, you may have run into something you had no idea you needed, but must have now. Unfortunately, the gift lists have gone out and there is no way you will be getting it this Yuletide season. Buy it! Whether it is something you saw on a blog or a shopping site like outblush or thefancy, there is bound to be something that caught your eye. Good for you for taking the high road and not buying it then. Now, you can buy it and feel uber pleased that you did not splurge! Personally, I have my eye on that ridiculously awesome, extra cushy yoga mat.

Donate It

$25 or $100 or how ever much you get over Christmas may not make that big of a difference to you, but it could be the world to a starving child or homeless kitty. Donating your extra goods to places like World Vision, Free Wheelchair Mission, or The Humane Society would keep those warm fuzzies going well past Christmas, and spread the love by helping another in need!

Get Away

For a great post-Christmas cool off time, pool your money with friends or that special someone and get away. Even if it is only for one night 45 minutes away from town, you are away. This could be a great time to catch up with friends you did not get to see over the holidays, or, spend some time alone with your favorite person!

Save It

No, this is not the most fun holiday spending idea, but it is still a good one. Saving or investing a few hundred dollars right before the new year could be great! It is a nice little cushion to fall back on for those unexpected needs, or, it could make a little extra back as an investment. Think of it more as waiting and being able to buy two pairs of shoes than spending now and only buying one!


The holidays can be a bit hectic with all the coming and going and family and you get the idea. Have a little post-holiday pamper time and forget all that stress! There are quite a few spas around that I have always wanted to go to but have not been able to rationalize the spending. If you can relate, a little holiday splurge on some R+R could be right up your ally. Go ahead, enjoy that mud mask guilt free, you deserve it!

Oh, Christmas Tree(s)

by Jenni in

This last weekend we went to a holiday party extravaganza. The woman who puts this party on is one of the funniest people I know and is completely enthralled by Christmas and the decor. How enthralled, you say. She had over 300 Christmas trees inside her house! If you need any help getting in the holiday spirit or an ideas for your Christmas tree, take some from these incredible trees.

The outside up-side-down tree.

The swan on the top of this tree was cut to look identical to the two others next to it. Usually, those two re the legs for the dining room table. You may have already picked this up, but the tree toppers are are the pride and joy of these trees :)

White Chrsitmas

I just love the colors of this all white tree... It is not too easy to see, but there are icicles hanging from the ceiling as well.

This little tree has one of the neatest themes yet. The tree sits on the master bath vanity and is decorated with rings. These rings have a pretty incredible story since she made them by hand to sell  when her children were young and she was a single parent.

Happy Holidays!!!