New Things in The New Year

by Jenni in


We have recently started some new things on P+K and have secret plans of a few more in the new year. Hopefully, all will go according to plan and I will be announcing one or two more surprises for the blog, but until then, let's talk about what's already happening!

As of two weeks ago I tried out a 6th post during the week. This one comes on Sunday and was started as a bit of a bonus post but has turned into a favorite for me to do and a new regular to the weekly articles. Whoohoo! For now, the plan is to release the usual health, fitness, Disney, and lifestyle blogs throughout the week, then release one that has a bit of it all on Sundays that goes over my week in workouts.

This new Sunday post is helping keep me on track with my fitness goals and workout schedule, which is great all on it's own. It is also a great way to conglomerate all of the YouTube and non P+K workouts I complete throughout the week in one place. Every workout that is online has a link along with any food recipes that were extra special. Pretty much, these are link-tastic posts that have much more content than simply talking about a few loved YouTube workouts that week.

I have also been tending to add any personal info from the week to this one as well (what we are up to, intstagrams, that kind of stuff). If you're into personal info, there you are! If not, skip past it, you will not offend me :)

Here is the first Sunday post and here is the second. You will notice that they have completely different lay outs. It's been a trial run but the second is my fave. If you do not agree or have an even better sum up idea, let me know!

Oh yes, and stay tuned because P+K will be hosting it's first product giveaway very, very shortly!!!!

This Week in Workouts: New Things

by Jenni in

this week in workouts 12:12.png

This week was, yet again, centered around yoga and a few new workouts that I have never done before. We were staying with our Grandma this week, so almost every workout had to be something I could do without equipment or gym. It ended up being a really great week for workouts; I was  complete some workouts and classes that I have never done before and definitely push way farther than was originally planned.

I also did two days this week without any starches. That's a pretty big deal considering that I could eat a loaf of bread in the time it takes most people to butter one slice. For reals. We were able to do a low country boil this weekend, which was fantastic. And I also made the hubs new favorite meal on one of our/my starch free days... It was so good that I did not even miss the bread!

Monday: 1-mile warm-up run followed by Ali K's Yoga for Beginners Workout. I don't care if the title says it is for beginners, this sequence works up a sweat every time! Then practice for compass pose (I got to the intermediate/advance position!!!) and headstands- 15 seconds FTW!

Tuesday: 3-mile run and this yoga sequence by Tara Stiles before bed.

Wednesday: Rest Day

Thursday: 60-minute Power Hot Yoga class at my favorite hot yoga studio in town. This was my first time trying a hot power yoga class and having my form complimented by a hot yoga instructor. Yea, Thursday was a good day!

Friday: Ballet Workout followed by Tara Stiles Yoga for Sleep flow. Then, more headstands. My arms were super sore from Thursday's flow so everything was leg centered for pain relief...

Saturday: First this workout, then this one by Tracy Anderson. Yes, I did them in reverse order, but it was still great. These were directly followed by the core workout from Tara Stiles. By the end of these three I was dripping with sweat. Arms still sore from Thursday- must make chaturanga arm workout!

Ballet Bum Workout

by Jenni in

Get A Dancer's Legs- a 10 minute ballet routine for slim legs and toned bum

If you read the bonus post from last week, then you know how addicted I have become to this workout. The entire set takes about 10-minutes (maybe less) and can be done once, or multiple times for some serious results. I like to do this before yoga or after a jog.

To complete the 10-minute routine, do each exercise ten times before moving on to the next. Complete all exercises with the right leg before moving on to the left.  Be sure that hips are even, bum is tucked under, shoulders are down, and the back is straight during each exercise. If you prefer, you can use the back of a chair or a counter for stability. Just be sure that your hands are only resting on it for balance instead of grabbing it for support. No claw hands here!

First Position Plie

Start in first position, making sure that your toes are in line with your knees... Toes turned out more than knees can do damage to the joints. Slowly bend knees and lower as far down as possible without sticking the bum out or lifting the heals of the ground. Hold this position, then slowly come back up to starting.

Second Position Plie

Stand in second position, feet about shoulder width apart, toes in the same line as the knees. Slowly bend knees like the first position plie, making sure that the bum stays tucked in and the knees are pushed back like your are between two sheets of glass. Hold, then return to starting.

Tendu Front

Tendu front, side, and back are all completed in first position. Hold the optional chair/table with the left hand and place the right arm in second position, making sure elbows are lifted and shoulders are down. Beginners can hold there right hand on their hips.

Slowly extend the right foot in front of you, leading with your heal and keeping the ball of your foot on the floor until the leg is fully extended. The right leg should be turned out facing the right wall. Be sure that the hips stay even and the toes stay pointed, then slowly return to starting. Complete all ten before continuing to side and back.

Tendu Side

This is pretty much the same as the tendu front, but to the side. Slowly extend the leg in the same plain as the left foot while keeping the torso and hips facing forward and the right knee towards the ceiling. Return to starting, being sure to keep both legs straight and strain off the neck.

Tendu Back

Like front and side, but directly behind you. The hips should be even and the ball of the foot should stay on the ground for as long as possible. Be sure to keep the hips even and torso up without strain on the neck. Hold, then slowly returned to starting.

Battement Front

Like tendu, battement is pretty much the same for the front, side, and back with the rotation of the leg being the only main difference. Likewise, the arm can be in second position or on the hip.

Start in first position then slowly bring the right foot up the left leg like you are drawing a line up the center of the leg with the right big toe. Begin extending your right leg out towards the front once your toes reach the left knee. Hips should be down, toes pointed, torso facing forward, and right leg rotated out. Hold, then slowly lower straight back to starting. Complete all ten before moving to the side and back.

Battement Side

Like battement to the front, but to the side. It may be hard to get the right leg completely to the side on the first time. Be sure to keep the torso facing forward and the hips even- the proper positioning is more important than the leg being out to the side or high up.

Battement Back

Same as front and side, but to the back. Keep the torso up and hips even. The longer you hold these, the more toning will be happening in the bum. Just be sure shoulders stay even and there is no strain in the neck.

Arabesque to Attitude

This one is soooo great for those saddlebags. Begin facing the chair/table with both hands resting on it and the feet in first position. Slowly extend the right leg directly back, making sure that it is straight and rotated outward. Hold this position, then bend the knee so your are in attitude. Hold again, then extend straight back. Continue this straight, bent pattern ten times, then lower back to starting.

Attitude Releve

Begin in first position facing toward the chair/table with both hands resting on the top. Extend the leg back into attitude, making sure the knee stays as close to parallel to the floor as possible while hips are even and torso is straight. Slowly lift the left foot so you are on the balls of your foot, hold, then lower back down. Complete ten releve's before lowering the leg back down. Once complete, do it all over again on the left side.