Reading Round-Up: Articles for the Fitness Lover

by Jenni in

Well, school is getting ready to start-up again for many teachers and students out there, so what better way to celebrate than talking about great reads. There have been some pretty great, share-worthy articles I came across during my Sunday morning internet perusal. These are some super quick and super great health and fitness reads that perked my interest and were a great way to start off a healthy, happy week. Plus, inspirational articles and fun new workouts have never done me wrong :) 

Elizabeth Banks Workout

This is not an article, but the video has some great exercises that I will definitely be incorporating into my workouts this week. All of the exercises are ones that Elizabeth Banks uses to keep her body up to move star expectations. Each exercise is also explained by Elizabeth's trainer. My personal favorite is the single leg squat to iron cross, although the split jumps to a deep lunge are pretty great too!

Water Intake During a Workout


During my ballet training years I was taught not to drink water until the class was over. If I ever did need some water, my instructor would let me take no more than two swallows during breaks. Now, I wonder which is better, drinking during a workout or waiting until the end? Apparently, I am not the only one who has pondered this workout dilemma. This article looks into when we should drink water and how much more water we should drink on days that we workout.

15-Minute Body Weight Workout


With school starting and lives picking back up after the summer lul, most people could use a quick workout that will still give there heart a healthy kick. Enter the 15-Minute Body Weight Workout at Women's Health Magazine online. This workout is filled with lots of fun moves that will work the entire body and still leave time for everything else in your day. The workout is quite simple and requires no exercise equipment. Honestly, you barely need shoes or a sport bra to complete this one.  

Recommended Weekly Exercise


Have you ever wondered how much exercise you should be doing in a day and if there really is a difference between an hour-long sweat session and a few 15-minute runs? I have. This article talks about recent research done into that very question. This survey was completed using over 2,000 adults in Canada who exercised a total of 150 hours per week, ranging between one long workout day to seven shorter workouts per week. What they found is pretty interesting and goes a long way in taking that workout guilt away.

Celebrity Health Trends

Shape online has started a pretty cute weekly rundown on all things celebrity health related. Each week they will be giving updates on those funny celebrity health trends along with who is doing it and why. This week is all about the healthie- a healthy selfie, pie (yes, you read right), Jennifer Aniston, swimwear, and who other than Lady Gaga. The best part, you will find no TMZ styled celebrity gossip; just a few of the health and fitness trends from some favorite Hollywood starlets.


Women's Health Workout Review: Sculpt Sexy Legs in Record Time

by Jenni in


The August issue of Women's Health magazine has quite a few great looking workouts and interesting articles. But, the one that has gotten my attention the quickest is the 15-minute workout for sculpting great legs. The workout is simple enough, being comprised of four moves done three times with a one to two minute break between each circuit. 

The workout was created by Alli McKee, a personal trainer based out of Baltimore. McKee says that the secret to this workout getting such great results is how it works all of the largest muscle groups of the legs. By working all of these large muscle groups, we are able to build more muscle, burn more calories, and increase our metabolic rate for longer after the workout is complete.

The only downside I can see to this workout before completing it is that is takes three different type of equipment. If you are able to complete this workout at a gym or you have all of these already, there is really no issue. Resistance bands, weights, and stability balls are all great for working the legs and can all be found in this workout.  

The Workout

The entire workout took me 18-minutes and burned 131 calories. That is a pretty great calorie burn considering that my heart reate never went above 80%! I must admit though, A 1-2 minute break between circuits just seemed like too much, so I took it down to 30-seconds between each circuit. If I took the recommended 1-2 minutes, this workout would have been upwards of 20-minutes long.

Each exercises gives a range of reps to complete from 10-12 for some, to 30-40 for others. I completed the max amount of reps during my first and third circuit and the minimum for the second for all exercises but the first. The first exercise was doing too much saddlebag toning and was way too much fun to end at 30 reps alone. This resistance band move was the only move I did max reps for during every circuit- I just loved it too much to stop.

Out of the four moves in the workout, the two beginning exercises were the hardest for me and the last two felt more like a cool down than an intense workout. Each exercise works a different part of the legs, ranging from upper bum to saddlebags to inner thighs- the last exercise even worked those hard to reach muscle behind the knee. This workout was a great leg workout introduction. It is something that beginners can do without feeling too overwhelmed and advanced fitness buffs can do after their usual routine or for a bit of a switch up.

After this workout I went on to complete today's squat challenge. My legs were crying.