Women's Health Magazine Workout Review: Elsa Pataky's Butt

by Jenni in


The June issue of Women's Health magazine has ​a workout that was made for this blog at this time. Yes, P+K has been going a bit crazy about the legs and bum, and it is not ending. This butt workout is the workout that Elsa Palaty's trainer, Fernando Sartorius, has her do to get that world famous backside. Elsa is one of the stars in the Fast and the Furious franchise. She is also an extremely famous Spanish actress and married to Chirs Hemsworth, also known as Thor. And, just to make her a little more incredible, she had their first child about a year ago in her mid thirties. If you have seen the Women's Health cover, you will understand why this is so impressive. I must do her workout. Daily. Forever.

​This workout falls in line with what so many people are recommending right now. Working out intensely for forty-five minutes or less. Elsa's trainer recommends focusing on the body part you are trying to exercise. Focusing on that body part will increase your workout intensity and fitness results. Thank goodness, the entire workout is comprised of five exercises with about fifteen reps each and two to three sets.

​The Workout

I liked this workout. The workout took about twenty-five minutes, but definitely worked more than the bum. Although all of these exercises worked the bum to a certain degree, some worked my legs, specifically my quads, more than anything else. If you, like me, hate working your quads, I would recommend switching out the step lunge with a regular or side lunge instead. The resistance band walk has quickly become my new favorite bum workout. This exercise worked my inner thighs, outer thighs, and the bum. I will definitely be adding this exercise to some future workout routines!

Although I was not sore after this workout, it did burn about 190 calories in 25 minutes. This is a much higher calorie burn than I was expecting, especially since it is not anywhere near a cardio workout. ​I have done much more effective bum workouts than this, but this one was great to mix it up a bit.

These workouts are also great for the bum!

Yoga for Toned Arms

by Jenni in

I have recently had some questions dealing with ways to get arms toned. ​A great way to tone our arms without getting bulky muscles is to tone through yoga. Yoga has lots of holding poses that use the weight of our arms against us, but for us in the end... Although there are also plenty of great yoga how-to's out there, this workout with Tara Stiles is one of my favorites. Tara is a fantastic yoga instructor who works with companies like Livestrong and health and fitness magazines. She also travels the world teaching yoga and has a YouTube channel along with her own website centered around a healthy life. 

This workout is super fun and very simple. What is even better is that it will help with that pesky underarm jiggle as well!

Six Exercises for Toned Legs

by Jenni in

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Bikini season is here. The the welcoming of warmer air and those itsy bitsy bikini's have changed my workouts up a bit. Whether is is purposeful or not, I have found a great many exercises focusing on my legs... Training for a run could be helping this as well. 
Since legs are becoming my fav body part to work, I have become quite attune to what exercises work my legs and which do not. These six exercises are some of my top leg workers for getting the heart rate going and my muscles building.

The best types of exercises are those that work two parts of the body at once, or increase your heart rate. These exercises are a mix of cardio, plyometrics, and resistance training, no wonder they get the job done! You can add a few of these to an existing workout, or complete them all for a major leg make-over! ​​For a total leg workout, complete two minutes of alternating between 30 seconds of knee-ups and 30 seconds of kick-backs. Then, complete each exercise for two minutes followed by 30 seconds of knee-ups and 30 seconds of kick-backs. The entire exercise should take fifteen minutes.

Lizard Plank

Get into plank position with arms straight out and hands directly under the elbows. Your body should be straight, be sure your bum does not sink down or rise up during the exercise. Lift the right leg off the ground and bend it in so your right leg is touching your right side. Hold, then return to starting. Complete one minute per side. ​Lizard planks are great for the lower and oblique abs along with inner thighs, outer thighs, and bum.

Extended Leg ​Bridge Pose

​Lay on your back with legs bent and feet flat on the floor. Tuck the shoulders under and lift the torso off the ground so only your feet, shoulder, neck, and head are touching the floor. While keeping the hips even, lift the right leg straight into the air and flex the right foot. Begin lowering and raising your pelvis so you are almost touching the ground. Continue this for one minute, then switch to the left leg.

For an intermediate workout, try holding this position instead of lowering the pelvis and ​raising it back up.

Three Way Squats

Squats are great for the bum, inner thighs, and outer thighs. These squats bring the burn to the next level. Complete each squat for one minute. ​

Original Squat: Stand straight up with legs shoulder width apart, feet out straight in front of you, and arms bent in front of you. Slowly bend the legs until your knees are at a 90 degree angle, making sure they do not move forward at all. Hold, then return to starting. Complete as many as possible in one minute. ​

Plie Squat: Stand straight up with feet shoulder width apart and turned to the side so you are in second position. Bend arms out in front of you (intermediate) or hold straight out to the side (advanced). Slowly bend knees until they are at a 90 degree angle, then rise back up. Be sure that your shoulders do not raise and your bum does not stick out. Complete as many as possible in one minute.

Resistance Band Squat:​ The goal of this squat is to give as much resistance when lifting up as possible. Use an eight pound or higher resistance band. Stand in regular squat position and place the band evenly under the feet. Hold the ends of the resistance band in each hand and bring hands in to your chest, interlocking them as much as possible. Complete a regular squat, making sure to take extra time rising back up.

Chair Kicks

Oh how I love these. Chair kicks are great for working the upper, outer thigh and the gluteus medius and minimus muscles. ​Stand with the back (advanced) or seat (intermediate) of a chair facing you. Kick the right, then the left leg over the chair, making sure that the torso and legs stay as straight as possible and hands remain bent at your sides. Continue kicking legs back and forth over the chair for two minutes straight. You will so feel this in the morning!

Fire Hydrant Kick

This exercise gets it's name because you will look a bit like a dog at a fire hydrant... Get on all fours with knees directly under hips and hands under the shoulders. Make sure to keep a straight back during this entire exercise, no sagging here! While keeping the knee bent, lift the right leg off the ground so your thigh is parallel to the floor and the bottom of your foot is looking up towards the ceiling. Rotate the leg outward and bring it up towards your shoulder. Hold, then bring the leg back to the first elevated position so your thigh is parallel to the floor. Continue for one minute without bringing the leg back down to the floor, then complete for the alternate side. ​Try to keep your torso as still as possible and arms straight during this whole exercise.