Great Health and Fitness Tools

by Jenni in

Everyone needs a resource or two when it comes to health and fitness. Whether it is an app, a great book, or some super cute running shoes; tools are important for the health and fitness trade. Here are a few great ways to learn about how to stay fit through books, the internet, or YouTube. ​


I must admit, for a while I was not doing Pilates at all, but, Cassey Ho over at Blogilates has changed that. Her workouts are incredible and she is super sweet to boot! These workouts are usually 15 to 20 minutes, but focus on certain body areas and become very effective. The best part is how quick that time flies. Cassey is great at keeping your mind off what your are doing. She always has popular songs playing in the background and manages to keep everything light... Even when the workout, really, is not.

I would totally recommend her Victoria's Secret Series for some great workouts for arms, the bum, tummy, and legs. The arm workout is intense!

Foodist by Darya Pino

I loove Darya Pino's website, ​It is filled with some great food knowledge from a PhD who enjoys eating healthy, well rounded meals. Darya and I both believe that healthy should taste great. Darya is able to use her neuroscience background to give some interesting and amazingly informative takes on food. 

I am soo excited for her first book to be released May 7th. ​Foodist: Loosing Real Food and Real Science to Loose Weight Without Dieting has been years in the making and looks to be just as good as her site!

Yoga Journal

Yoga Journal is ​a great webs resource for all things yoga. One of my favorite parts of this site is in the Poses section. Yoga Journal has every yoga pose cataloged for quick pose instruction, health info, benefits, and similar poses. This is fantastic if you are wanting to build a sequence relating to a certain body part, or need a bit more information on how something is done.  One of my favorite uses for this is building sequences. Every pose has a list of other poses that should come before or after, making sequence building super easy and the yoga flow super efficient. ​

If you are not so into building your own sequences, do not fret. Yoga Journal has incredible instructors and yoga videos. My favorite YJ flow has always been the Twist and Detox, but this one is pretty high up there as well. Check out the Video section of their site for video sequences that are separated depending on experience level. ​

Cardio by YouTube

by Jenni in

I love my cardio workouts... Especially when they can be done on a treadmill or in the comfort of my own cozy home. ​There are some great cardio workout videos out there that are 45+ minutes. As much as I love them, it can be difficult for me to get 45 minutes of cardio, plus shower, plus hair and make-up into a day. For those busy-bee days, I look to the amazing Amanda Russell and some other fantastic, quick cardio workouts.

Cardio Kick

I found this cardio video while scanning youtube for some great workouts that take less than thirty minutes. This Cardio Kick workout came up and I became super excited. It is pretty rare that I think about a workout all day until I can do it, but for this one, I did. ​

Amanda Russell is fantastic. She can fit some great muscle toning, fat burning exercises into less time than it takes to do most anything. ​This workout is no exception. You will be sweating by the end and burn quite the high calorie count. The workout is a circuit that lasts about 20 minutes and is comprised of some jogging, jumps, floor activity, and kicking (of course).

I would totally recommend this if you get bored during long workouts or most circuit routines. The time between activities is quick and each exercise goes by quite fast. Loved it. ​

BeFit in 90 Cardio Workout

The BeFit in 90 workout system may have a post of it's own soon enough. BeFit is an incredible YouTube channel that has some massive fat burning, muscle building, workout videos. Most of there workouts are by a few different trainers and aggregates workout videos by trainers like Jillian Micheal's and Denise Austen. 

The BeFit in 90 is a workout system that lasts 90 days. This cardio workout video is one in the 90 day line-up, but is good on it's own too. The short circuits and high intensity will help burn fat while building muscle. Best of all, everything about this video is geared towards the busy person. ​The workout is intense, but it is over in less than ten minutes. This would be great to do on it's own when time is tight, or as a warm-up before yoga!