Get Michelle Obama's Arms

by Jenni in

My Snapguide shirt!! Yep, the people over at Snapguide sent me this because they are awesome! Click the picture to link over to my Snapguide account!

My Snapguide shirt!! Yep, the people over at Snapguide sent me this because they are awesome! Click the picture to link over to my Snapguide account!

Let's face it, no matter what your political view, most women would kill for the First Lady's arms. Seriously, her fashion and those guns could make peace treaties alone. This equipment-free arm routine will not only help reduce that unneeded arm jiggle, but can also get you that much closer to having Michelle Obama's arms. Most equipment free arm exercises work the back as much as they do the arms. These exercises will help with posture and increase lean muscle toning- something Michelle Obama's arm's look quite familiar with.

Complete this exercise at least once after your regular workout, or do three sets as a workout replacement for some great results!

Arm Circle and Warm Up

Arm circles are a great way to get your arms warmed, a little stretched, and ready to work. Best of all, they can be done pretty much anywhere! Start by doing wide circles going forward then back; then, complete smaller circles starting with forward and going to back. Work on doing two sets of 20 and increase the reps as needed.

For some work-out inspiration, check-out Michelle Obama's arms, highlighted by that gorgeous Jason Wu red dress, at the inauguration.

Sphinx Push-Ups

These are great for the forearms and shoulders! Get into regular push-up position, then place forearms on the ground with palms down and fingers straight ahead. Lift your body into a plank position and hold before lowering about 2 inches from the ground, hold, then rise back up. You can start by doing between 10 and 15 reps and increase from there.


One of those that is great for the back arm jiggle and the back. Place your hands forward on the edge of a chair with your elbows bent back and your body straight out. Bend your arms so that your butt is almost touching the ground and come back up. Complete two sets of 30 increasing reps as needed.

Second Position Ballet Pose

This will work your shoulders, back, and arms like they have never been worked before. Seriously, look at a ballet dancer's arms, then you will realize why this is an arm workout commodity. Hold arms in second position for two sets of 1 minute. Be sure to keep shoulders down and elbows up the entire time. There should be no slouching here. Your chest should be broad and arms should have a slight curve but still be in line with the rest of the body. Bum should be tucked in as well. This is a great exercise to do for better posture.

Plank Position

Plank is wonderful for the arms, back, and the core! Place hands on the ground below the shoulders with fingers facing forward and toes on the ground. It is important to keep your back as straight as possible in this position and to tuck the tailbone under. Hold the plank for at least one minute and complete three sets.


The classic that is still doing the trick. Complete two sets doing at least 10 to 12 reps. If doing this many is too much, place your knees on the ground and complete... Best to add a few extra reps for the cheating style as well ;)

Triangle push-Ups

Great for the outer and under-arms. Place hands on the ground so your pointer fingers and thumbs create a diamond shape. Complete 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps of push-ups in this position and feel the burn!

Three Great Health Podcasts

by Jenni in ,

There are quite a few podcasts that have to do with living a healthy life, here are my three favorite podcasts for health. Some of these have more to do with fitness, while others are more about food and recipes. They are all fantastic and range in run times from 3 minutes to over an hour. I love these because I can listen to them while doing work around the house, driving, exercising, or just as a form of relaxation. The best part is that they are free! 

Nutrition Diva

The Nutrition Diva is something great to listen to if you are on the go and do not have much time. Her episodes are less than ten minutes each and give great, quick tips on being healthier. She talks about everything from what is in certain foods to health myths. Her advice is simple ans easy to follow and her knowledge is backed up. What more could we ask for in ten minutes a week?

The Jillian Michaels Show

If you are interested in staying current in the fitness world, this will be your new podcast love. The Jillian Michaels Show is a weekly podcast done with Jillian Michaels (of course) and some of her friends. Jillian is most well known from The Biggest Looser and her workout DVD's. She knows her way around fitness and shares weekly tips with us. The show usually runs between 45 minutes and an hour. Perfect for the commute home.

Vegetarian Food for Thought

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau is the author of many books for vegetarians and vegans. Her podcast is fantastic for those who are already a vegetarian, or are thinking of placing less emphasis on meat in their diet. Every week Colleen goes over questions that vegans and vegetarians have, nutritional tips, animals rights, myths, and health. She loves literature and uses stories, poems, and etymology as a jumping point for her topics. This podcast is one of my favorites in all my podcast line-ups. It is so informative and motivational for anyone wanting to live a compassionate life.