Six Ways to Use Push-Up Bars

by Jenni in

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Push-up bars have quickly become one of my favorite (and only) workout tools. They are great for increasing a workout's intensity, while decreases stress and strain on your joints. The increased range of motion gives muscles a longer distance and amount of time to work. This means that the same exercise done with push-up bars can work more muscles for longer and give better results than a workout without. If you have ever suffered from sore, tight wrists when done with a plank workout or a set of push-ups, these will help decrease that pain and stiffness during and after the workout. I use my push-up regularly after a jog when I am doing my plank workout and find my shoulders and wrists are less stiff post workout, while my range of toning increases!

There are plenty of ways and workouts that we can benefit from using the push-up bars, these are six of my favorites that will increase results and work everything from the arms and back, to the bum and legs, to the core.


Doing regular push-ups with push-up bars is a great way to vary a common routine. The difficulty level is increased with these since you can go about two inches lower. Complete a regular push-up with bars out straight and palms facing in, then lower down so you are almost touching the ground, hold, and return to starting. So great for the arms, shoulders, chest, and back.

Wide Arm Push-Ups

These are great for working the back and triceps. Place the bars so they horizontal  and a bit more than shoulder width apart. Hold the bars so your fists are facing forward and the bars are in the same line as your shoulders. Lower down so your head is level with the bars, hold, then rise back up.

Shoulder Press

This is a step up from the usual push-up and will work your shoulders, chest, and arms. Go into push-up position with bars under shoulders and feet resting on a chair. Complete the push-ups as usually with feet remaining stationary on the chair the entire time. If you would like to increase the difficulty, place feet against a wall instead.

Plank Toe Rolls

Go into plank position and begin on the balls of your feet with arms in alignment with shoulders. Roll your body forward so your you are on your tip toes and your shoulders are above the arms. Be sure to keep your core tight and body fluid while moving. Hold, then return to starting position. This is great for the inner thighs and core!

Leg Tucks

Leg tucks will give your core and arms a workout. Begin by sitting on the ground with arms to the side and palms facing in- holding the push-up bars. Raise your body off the ground so your arms are supporting most of your weight but your feet are still at rest. Tuck your feet and bend knees into the chest. Hold, then extend the right leg. Hold the right leg out while the left is still tucked in, then tuck both legs to the chest. Repeat, extending the left leg out. The straighter your leg and back are, the better the results will be. To increase the intensity, try extending both legs together.

Triceps Dip

Like the name implies, these are will work your arms, and more specifically, your triceps. Begin in the same position as the leg tucks with arms by your side and palms facing in. Legs should be extended and heels should be on the ground. Lift your body up so your arms are supporting most the weight. Bend arms backward so the body lowers toward the ground and hold right before the bum touches the floor. Slowly come back up to starting position.

Health and Fitness, Internet Style

by Jenni in

There are some great resources online for everything from new lip gloss products to how to make your cat an internet superstar. The resources for health and fitness are no different. Some of my favorite health and fitness resources come from other blogs, well known sites, not so well known sites, you tube, and the like. There are a lot of sites I visit every once in a while, and a few I visit daily. Here are my top four daily health and fitness sites.

This is a blog I stumbled upon last April that is run by a fitness buff in Florida. Julie is one of those people that anyone could see themselves being friends with. She is a massive blogger who posts three times a day on everything from her dog, Sadie, to her breakfast. The main idea behind her site is living a healthy, fun life. She is by no means a crazy dieter, her fitness and health is well rounded and what most people would like theirs to be.

I mainly use this site for inspiration and workout tips. It is very hard to opt out of jogging when I read her morning post about sweating at the gym before me or the sun are up.

If you have ever wondered the nutritional content of one strawberry or a quarter pound of beef, this is your new favorite site. I do not know how they do what they do, but I love it. is one of those that I came across when the hubs and I were doing our first ever smoothie diet (loved). I so wanted to know the exact nutritional content of everything in my smoothie and hated doing all the calculations from the not-so-trusted information on the back of the packaging... If the packaging had any information at all. This site was a lifesaver. There is a search menu where you can search specific foods, or your carry-out meal from Pei Wei. You can also change the measurements so you know exactly what you are looking for. 

The data shows everything- fat content, amino acids, glycemic load, protein quality, inflammation, mineral content, and you get the idea.

Visiting this site taught me things I did not even know existed. It is wonderful.

This is one of those that everyone knows about, but up until a year ago, I had no idea how wonderful it really was. Livestrong is a great resource for both men and women who are curious about almost anything health and fitness related. It is a great site for new workout ideas and health tips. I usually use livestrong when researching new health trends and facts on fitness. The articles are short and sweet, they have pictures, and the writers seem quite well educated in their field.

I do not personally visit the site daily, but when searching through all the google results, livestrong is one of those places I go to first.

NutritionElla is another health and fitness blog that I frequent daily. Elle is in the process of becoming a registered dietitian and is bringing us along on the ride. She has just finished getting her masters and will be taking her RD exam soon. This blog is great for recipes, fitness tips, and inspiration.

Sometimes, knowing others are out there finding new ways to be healthy gives me the extra boost I need. Elle is wonderful at giving those boosts of fitness confidence. Everything Elle does is geared towards helping others become happy and healthy. She has a big heart and you can see it through her site.

Guest Post- Holiday Tummy Toning

by Jenni in

Oh goodness, sometimes my brain and excitement get away with me and I completely forget to announce some pretty exciting things! During the holiday season I was able to do my first (yippee!) guest post for a very good friend of mine over at Teatime Thoughts. Candice is a former ballet dancer, like me, and has an incredible blog geared towards everything fashion and girly. She is an awesome girl and her site is fantastic!

I am so happy that we were able to join up for Holiday Tummy Toning and decided this is as good a time as any other to share what we did! It goes especially well with our accidental ab theme this week too.

The work out is comprised of some pretty ab-tastic moves that will help tone the abs and get a handles on those (unloved) love handles. This is great to do after your regular workout routine, or, on it's own with multiple sets.